Chapter 17-Stay with me

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"Lisa!" Shouted Jung Kook. She took the bullet for Jung Kook.

"Arrest them all!" Chanyeol burst in with his men along with Jennie.

"Lisa!" Shrieked Jennie.

Lisa collapsed, clenching her stomach, where blood gushed out from.

"Lisa!" Jung Kook hugged her, crying. "Please hold on, baby!"

"I-I am very sorry f-for the troubles. I l-love you Jung Kook." Muttered Lisa, as she was losing her consciousness.

"L-Lisa....!" Jung Kook shook her frail body, to get no response as she closed her eyes.

"Jung Kook, we need to rush to the hospital!" Spoke Jennie.

The boys gathered around them. g

"Lisa yah!" Exclaimed Yoongi, holding her hand.

"Just take her to the hospital, we will manage it here and rush over to you guys as soon as possible." Said Namjoon.

"Take the girls with you!" Spoke Jimin.

Not wasting any more time, Jung Kook lifted Lisa up and rushed outside with Jennie.

He ran to the car, where the girls were standing. Once they saw them, their faces dropped.

"Lisa!" Jisoo cupped her face as she started breaking down.

"Oh god!" Exclaimed Chaeyoung.

"We need to hurry! She's losing blood!" Spoke Hye Rim.

Jung Kook laid Lisa on the back seat, Chaeyoung and Hye Rim at the back, while Jisoo at the front with Jennie driving.

"Faster Jennie!" Spat Jung Kook.

"Ugh!" Jennie beeped the horn with rage at the traffic.

They made it to the hospital just in time and rushed inside with Lisa.

"Emergency please!" Shouted Chaeyoung.

The doctor and attenders came immediately. They put her on the stretcher, as the doctor examined Lisa.

"Oh no! Her pulse rate is dropping." Said the doctor, making them worried. "Take her to the ICU!" Said the doctor. The attenders pushed the stretcher, rushing.

As Jung Kook was about to head inside, the doctor halted him.

"You can't accompany us, sir. Please wait."

"Let me in please!" Said Jung Kook. He tried to push his way inside as the attenders held him.

"Jung Kook please," Hye Rim held onto him.

The attenders quickly shut the door.

"F*ck!" Jung Kook punched the wall hard.

"Let the doctors do their work, Kook!" Jisoo held his hand.

He dropped on the couch, shedding tears. He did not realise what condition he was in, covered with blood all over his hands and clothes. But this was not important. What was important was Lisa. He wouldn't forgive himself if something happens to her.

"I failed to protect her!" He weeped, his face in his hands.

"No Jung Kook, it's not your fault." Said Jennie, taking a seat next to him.

"No Jennie, I am the one responsible. I shouldn't have left her alone in the first place."

"Look Jung Kook, it's no one's fault. We all are with Lisa, trust me she will be okay, I know that." Jisoo spoke, sitting on the other side.

"I know Lisa is a brave girl, she will make it." Said Chaeyoung.

They all comforted him. But it wasn't enough. How could he relax while his love was fighting for her life.

The boys came running. All of them also covered in dirt.

"Where is Lisa?" Questioned Yoongi.

"The doctors took her inside." Spoke Hye Rim.

"But how did you all get here?" Inquired Chaeyoung.

"I texted them the location." Said Jennie.

"Jung Kook?" Asked Taehyung to which Jisoo pointed where Jung Kook was seated.

"Jung Kook-ah!" They went to him.

"Hyung!" He hugged them tight.

"Have faith on god, Kook. Everything will be alright." Said Jin.

"And don't worry. Jackson, your mom and Lisa's father have been arrested." Said Yoongi.

"That was Lisa's father?" He questioned.

"The old man, yes." Responded Jimin.

"They will be punished." Said Jhope, comforting Jung Kook.

An hour had passed, and there was complete silence, no response from the doctors. It was midnight and everyone were scattered, tired and dozing.

"Excuse me Mr Jung Kook." The doctor came out.

"Yes?" Jung Kook got up immediately.

"Thank god, your wife is safe. She is out of danger now." Said the doctor, holding a small smile.

Everyone sighed in relief.

"But, it will take time for her to regain her consciousness. Since she is recovering from the weakness."

"How much time doctor?" Asked Jung Kook.

"Well, we can't say that. But she is safe now. Any one of you can stay with her." Said the doctor.

"Thank you doctor." Thanked Jung Kook.

The doctor bowed and left. Everyone rejoiced at the news.

"See, I said you Jung Kook, Lali will make it, and she did." Said Jisoo.

"Guys, you all can head back home, I will stay with Lisa." Said Jung Kook.

"At least one of us can stay with you both here." Said Chaeyoung.

"It's okay Chae, you all are tired, have a rest, I'll stay with Lisa." Said Jung Kook.

"But you are also tired, aren't you?" Asked Namjoon.

"No hyung it's fine. You all please go back."

"Guys, I think Kook is right. Lisa would expect to see Jung Kook first, so let them have each other's company." Spoke Jin.

"I agree with Jin on this one. We can visit again tomorrow." Said Jisoo.

"Please get us yummy food Jisoo." Said Jung Kook.

"Of course I will." Jisoo smiled.

"Have a good rest guys, bye." Said Jung Kook.

All of them returned back, leaving Jung Kook with Lisa.

"You can see the patient now." Said one of the nurses.

"Thank you." Jung Kook bowed.

As he set foot inside, he was greeted by the smell of alcohol and medicine, the typical hospital atmosphere.

Lisa was laid aback peacefully sleeping, with drips attached to her hand and head covered with a bandage.

"Lisa." Jung Kook slowly went and sat on a chair, facing her. He intertwined her hand with his, and gently pressed his lips on her cold hand.

"I am sorry. Sorry for all the pain you had to suffer, sorry for all the trouble you dealt with, sorry for not protecting you." A tear escaped his eye.

"But I promise, just stay with me, by my side Lisa. I will love you, always."

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