Chapter 13-Search

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Jung Kook's POV

I got up, squinting my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight in my room. I guess I had cried myself to sleep, since I was still on the floor.

A new day, a ray of hope to search for Lisa.

I sprinted downstairs, to find everyone seated.

"Awake already?" Asked Hobi hyung to which I gave a nod.

"I hope you all are ready," I started, "because we have errands to run today!" 


Lisa's POV

"Father!" I exclaimed, more like shouted, seeing the man who had turned my life into a living hell. I despised addressing him as my 'father'.

"Hello my dearest daughter! I hope you are very delighted to see me." He let out a laugh.

"So, you were behind all of this?" I shouted this time, rage evident in my voice.

"Whatever you assume child! Where had you been the past few months?" He asked as if he really cared.

"None of your business!" I snapped.

"Oh! I see you've gotten quite bold these days, haven't you sweetie?"

"At least better off without you!"

"Well, your better-ness will only for a few days, sweetie! Or maybe hours."

I just glared daggers at him. Just hearing him talk made me sick.

"You see, I just came to bid my goodbyes to my lovely daughter."

"Thank you very much for your sympathies father." I said, feeling hot tears make their way from my eyes. I didn't know why I was crying, that man didn't even have the slightest bit of pity for me, let alone love me.

"Oh, it's completely okay child! You can rest peacefully with your mother. I'll pray for you both!"

"Good job J! You've done well handling my mess of a daughter, considering she could be a menace." He addressed Jackson or should I say, J.

"No worries sir, it's going to be worth it." He said, giving me a dirty look, to which I turned away in disgust.

"Well, we can meet up soon know, talk about business and stuff."

"Sure sir, I'll meet you right up. After having with your daughter." He gave a wink.

"Feel free to do whatever you like, she's in the right hands." He said, with a smug look on his face.

"Anyways I'll get going. See you never, sweetie." He said with a dark smile.

As he turned to walk away, I shouted,

"At least not here, but definitely see YOU in hell, father!" Feeling super satisfied with my words.


Jung Kook's POV

"Hello officer, we'd like to have a word." Namjoon hyung spoke to the police officer as we were sitting in the police station, me and Yoongi hyung along with Namjoon hyung, whilst the others waited for our return.

"We would like to file a missing report." Spoke Yoongi hyung.

"Name of the person?" Asked the officer.

"Lalisa Manoban." I quickly responded.

The officer interrogated us, asking Lisa's details and the occurrence of the kidnapping, noting everything carefully.

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