Chapter 15-Broken Trust

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Third Person POV

As soon as Jung Kook received Chanyeol's call, he rushed to the police station. A surprise, he saw Chanyeol waiting for him outside.

"What is it sir?" Asked Jung Kook panting.

"Well, we've found the owner of that van."

"That's great!" Jung Kook smiled.

"Yes. We have to go meet him now. This is why I placed you a call."

"I'll accompany you." Jung Kook said almost immediately.

Chanyeol agreed, "Then, let's not wait any longer. So..."

"I'll be in my car."

"Okay then." Chanyeol nodded.

Both the men went towards their respective cars. Jung Kook followed suit to Chanyeol who started driving.

About 5 minutes into the drive, and Jung Kook's phone rang, the caller id showing Yoongi's name.

"Where are you Jung Kook?" Yoongi spoke as soon as the call was answered.

"I'm with Chanyeol. The owner of that van is found. So we're headed to meet him now." Said Jung Kook whilst focusing on driving.

"Text me the location."

"It's fine hyung, it's not a big deal."

"Just send it!" Yoongi sounded firm.

"Hyung, even I'm not aware about the location. I'm just following Chanyeol."

"Then I'll call Chanyeol and ask him."

"No hyung, please, we will just meet him. I don't want to trouble you guys."

"But Jung Kook, you need to have company with you." Yoongi's tone changed, this time sounding concerning.

"Hyung, don't worry, I will manage. I'll let you know if there's something important."

"Hmm...okay. But be careful. And update us with everything."

"I will."

Yoongi nodded and the call ended. Just then, Chanyeol's car came to a halt near a small house or just a cabin, you could say. He ushered Jung Kook to come out.

"Does he stay here?" Jung Kook asked as he slammed the car door shut.

"Yeah. A supplier by profession, his van was stolen two months ago, while he was at his workplace."

"Didn't he try searching for it?" Asked Jung Kook.

"He did, but all in vain." Chanyeol glanced at the house.

"Let's see what he tells us." Said Jung Kook, eyeing the small house pitifully.

Both of them went and knocked on the chapped wooden door.

"Yes?" They were greeted by a young man.

"Do-yun?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Yes..." the man nodded.

"I'm Officer Chanyeol, we were the one who contacted you."

"Yes officer!" The man closed the door and came outside. "I'm Do-yun." He bowed with a genuine smile.

"So we have discovered your vehicle. But we would like to know some details."

"Sure sir!"

"So when and how did your van go missing?"

"I was assigned to supply packages of paints. As I went inside the office, I heard the rumble of the van. But the key was with me. So I glanced outside, only to find a man at the driver's seat. He smirked at me. I ran outside shouting for him, but he was already gone by then. And because of that I lost my money."

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