Chapter 18-Still with you

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Four days had passed since the tragic incident. Lisa was still unconscious. Jung Kook stayed with Lisa the entire time. The hyungs and girls would make a visit everyday, with Jin and Jisoo bringing food along.

It was almost evening. The time when everyone would come to meet the couple. Jung Kook wasn't having a good rest. He would sleep on the couch which was a bit small for him, causing his legs to hang in the air.

As Jung Kook sat facing Lisa, he was dozing off. He tried his best not to fall asleep, but couldn't do so. He rested his head on the empty space on the bed and fell asleep.

A hand stroked his hair slowly. Lisa fluttered her eyes open to find Jung Kook sleeping. She ran her fingers through his hair, playing with it.

Jung Kook jolted awake. Lisa had a huge smile on her face.

"Lisa!" He hugged her tight, his body engulfing hers.

Lisa put her hand around his neck, hugging back. She had missed him, a lot. Her shoulder felt wet. Jung Kook was crying.

"J-Jung Kook," Lisa spoke slowly as her eyes watered.

Jung Kook broke the hug and kissed her. Her lips were pale and dry, but it still felt good.

Jung Kook smiled as he pressed his forehead against Lisa's.

"Hey Kook!" Jisoo burst in. She was delighted seeing Lisa. "Lali!" She ran towards her and engulfed her in a warm hug once again.

"Unnie, I can't breathe!" Lisa laughed.

"We missed you!" Jisoo had a tear on her face.

Everyone else entered the room. They all were very happy and at relief seeing Lisa.

"Lisa yah!" Chaeyoung and Jennie wrapped their arms around her.

The boys also took turns hugging Lisa. All of them were over the moon. Lisa was also very joyful and felt safe with them.

"So now Lisa, you have to eat well." Said Chaeyoung.

"Yes, no excuses with that." Said Jisoo, her voice a little serious.

"Look at you!" Said Jennie, clasping her hand.

"And you have to get well soon." Said Taehyung.

"Yes guys, I will." Said Lisa. She liked this. Everyone caring for her and making her feel good.

Just then the doctor entered.

"So how are you feeling Miss Lisa?" Asked the doctor.

"Good doctor." Lisa responded.

"When can we take her home?" Questioned Jung Kook.

"Tomorrow. If she is feeling good, then she can leave tomorrow." Said the doctor, checking some papers.

"Yes doctor, I can go tomorrow." Spoke Lisa.

"Okay then." The doctor said as he examined her once.

"Thank you!" Bowed Jung Kook to the doctor as he headed out.

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