15- Hey. Dipshit.

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It didn't take very long for the awkward silence- which seemed bit guilt ridden- to start for what seemed like the twenty billionth time. After Matt moved back to Benders desk she started lifting the front legs of her chair again, the only noise in the library being the clanking of the metal. Claire had been counting the time in between each clash so when she counted more than two seconds she turned around to find Matt zoning out- clearly thinking about something. Suddenly the girl got up hastily with a quick mutter of 'fuck this..' and began making her way to the back of the library.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Claire asked searching for the girls attention. Matt stuck her middle finger up at the girl as she started climbing the metal stairs she had become all too familiar with and eventually walking out of everyone's sight.

Matt's POV- ( A/N: I know it's a bit late in the story but I've been meaning to show her pov)

Why am I even doing this? Fuck sake, i'm stupid. God, why am I doing this! After getting out of sight of the others, I climbed on top of a bookshelf and pushed in a piece of the paneling with a thump. Claire and Andrew were fighting about something, I could hear them even through the ceiling. I hooked up with this one girl named Taylor awhile back- I know, I know but she was pretty- in a closet full of random shit you'd only find at a school or an office and she had said something about her friend John being locked up in there for detention, that's where I tried to go. Fuck, I should've taken my jacket off before this shit. Why is it so hot? Am I there yet? Hopefully.

Besides a few janitors, the vise principal and the other people back in the library we were the only ones in the school. So when I heard the closing of a door and a muttered curse close I knew I was where I was supposed to be. Hell yeah. Pulling the paneling up once again hoping that it wasn't loud in case Vernon was still nearby.

"Hey. Dipshit." John looked up, brown hair flinging in his face.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked in what was almost a yell.

"Well, what the hell do you think I'm doing?" When I finished mocking him he started glaring at me- I mean, it was obviously fake he was smiling. I sighed and rolled my eyes at the boy. I seemed to be doing that a lot today and it definitely wasn't helping the headache. Smoking would though.

"Well are you comin' or not? I've got shit to do." I don't have shit to do. His smile growing, he started climbing up all the miscellaneous things. Noticing all his layers I spoke up again.

"You prolly wanna leave at least the jacket man, it's hot as fuck up here." After what? Maybe two minutes at the most we were both in the ceiling crawling back towards the library.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Really John? Do I look like I wanna hear a joke? Well you wouldn't know you couldn't see.

"No. Stop staring at my ass." Clearly my answer didn't matter anyways as he completely ignored my demand and told a joke anyways.

"A naked blond walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a two-foot salami under the other." What the hell? "She lays the poodle on the table, bartender says, "I suppose you won't be needing a drink." naked lady says-" The paneling underneath us starting to creak. Oh, fuck. I looked back at John hoping he knew what was happening too.

"Oh, shit!" "Holy fuck!"

At least we fell in the library.



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