10- Brian's Personal, Private Business

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After a while it seemed liked everyone calmed down. Bender and Matt had now moved to sit at the desk next to Claire and Andy's, the girl sitting in the seat farthest away from them. The janitor Carl walks in breaking the uncomfortable silence- well, not for Matt, she was listening to her walkman again.

"Brian, how you doin'?" Carl asks, the boy looking down, embarrassed.

"Your dad work here?" Bender asks in amusement, turning his head in the direction of the boy. Matt who's eyes had been closed the whole time - a killer migraine was having it's affects- her head on Benders shoulder, noticed his movement, which most likely meant conversation, leading her to open her eyes and take of her Walkman.

"Oh, hey Carl." She greeted the man as if they were life long friends earning a 'Hey, kid.' back. She met him when she was roaming the halls during lunch her sophomore year. Seeing as he and her old English teacher were the only adults that weren't assholes in Shermer High, sometimes she would help him take the trash cans back to the cafeteria for the next round of students by running full speed ahead, pushing it in front of her. He always gave her five bucks after but she would do it without the money too, it was fun as fuck. Plus they both had a habit of eavesdropping on the students and gossiping was fun.

"Uh, Carl?" Bender asked, after his eyes gained a certain look of mischief to em'. Matt squinted at the boy, wondering what he was gonna do.


"Can I ask you a question?"


"How does one become a janitor?" The boy asked. Matt went to slap the boy on the shoulder but her hand was caught, leading her to try with her other hand which was also caught. So instead, she slammed her head on his shoulder only for him to oh-so-sweetly place his head on hers with that innocent little smile he had earlier.

"You wanna be a janitor?" He replied back, a small smile on his face. Matt rolled her eyes at the teen as she pulled out of his grip.

"No, I just wanna know how one becomes a janitor, because Andrew here, is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts." Matt giggled at his reasoning, knowing Carl would have some smart-ass thing to say considering he always did when she ran through the halls.

"Oh really? You guys think I'm just some untouchable peasant, serf, peon, y'know? Maybe so. But following a broom around after shitheads like you for the last eight years, I've learned a couple of things. I look through your letters. I look through your lockers." Bender and Matt looked up, almost terrified. "I listen to your conversations. You don't know that, but I do. I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends. By the way, that clocks twenty minutes fast." As everyone else groaned, Bender and Matt smirked at the now leaving man. Matt was the one who changed the clock, hoping to be let out earlier. It had worked once, then Vernon had noticed and they got another detention.

Moving back to Benders desk, the awkward silence took place again. Bender, with his scarf tied around his head started whistling. Matt, then Brian, soon enough the popular's and even the girl in the back started whistling too. The door opened, Vernon walking inside making everyone except Bender stop whistling- instead he switched to that one Beethoven song, Matt humming the fast part.

"All right girls, that's thirty minutes for lunch." The man stated.

"Here?" Clark asked, Matt rolling her eyes at the question.


"I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch, sir." Matt mocked the boy under her breath in a high pitched voice, Bender and her laughing like school girls.

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