1- Class-A Asshole

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Bright and early Saturday morning Matt found themselves sitting in front of the school, lighting the cigarette placed in her mouth. After quite literally rolling on a bed and noticing the killer temperature- a muscle shirt and a pair of jeans shorts were picked from the surrounding clothes laying around the floor . Even with the heat, they couldn't bear to leave their leather jacket at home, and the same pair of ray bans still sat over their eyes. Maybe going to a killer party Friday night wasn't a good idea but they weren't one to turn down a good party. Again, the sunglasses really came in handy.

Matt knew she was already late when the last of the cars left the parking lot so she decided to take her sweet time just to piss off the vice-principal nobody, seriously not a single person on this Earth, liked. Eventually, they got up and stomped out the cigarette, removing the Walkman from their ears. Making her way into the library, it seemed like they were interrupting the Assistant Principals' speech. The clanging of her wallet chain seemed to be drawing attention to her.

"Smalls, you've decided to join us. Why don't we add another detention, see if you come on time?" Vernon said. Truthfully he had forgotten she was even supposed to come.

Matt gave a sardonic smile in response and moved to the table in the back giving Bender a nod on their way there. The two were forced to spend lots of time together in this very library.

"Excuse me sir?" Claire spoke up, raising her hand. "I know this is detention but um, I don't think I belong in here." It sounded like she was talking to a damn toddler. Matt rolled her eyes hearing it, tipping her head back on the chair after doing so. Vernon ignored the girl and checked his watch.

"It is now..7:06" The blonde kid in the green sweater checked his watch too. "You have exactly 8 hours and 54 minutes to think about why you're here." Bender tilted his head back, spit, and caught it in his mouth. Matt may have been a little impressed but Claire wasn't. "Ponder the error of the ways." He pointed at Claire which seemed to offend her. "You may not talk," The kid in the green sweater began to move seats. "You will not move from these seats," He moved back. Vernon pulled the chair out from under Benders his feet while pointing at him. "And you will not sleep. Alright, people were gonna try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay." Matt let out a long sigh. "No less than a thousand words, describing to me who you think you are." While he placed the paper on Matt's desk, she glared at the man under her sunglasses, now hiding her eyes from the humming fluorescent lights above instead of the sun. "And take those sunglasses off, for Christ sake."   Matt tore them from their face, showing their glare as the plastic clanks to the table.

"This a test?" Bender asked, clearly trying to get on Vernon's nerves but he's only ignored.

"And when I say essay, I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear, Mr. Bender?"

"Crystal" He replied sarcastically. Now that Matt thought about it, they'd heard a lot about Bender from their circle of friends lately. Matt, did you see what Bender did today? Matt, did you see Bender fighting that kid today? Matt, did you hear about the new graffiti in Vernon's office? Guess who did it? Bender this, Bender that. Apparently he was a class A asshole. They only really ever spent detention together. It seemed like he was an ok dude. Matt had talked to him a few times.

"Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. Maybe you'll even decide whether or not you care to return." This time, the blonde kid, who seemed kind of frightened, stood up.

"Uh, y'know I can answer that right now, sir, y'know that be no for me, 'cause-" The blonde boy was cut off by Vernon. Matt laughed at the poor boy's stupidity under her breath.

"Sit down, Johnson." The boy, nervous and still trying to be respectful replied with a quiet thank you. "My office is right across that hall, any monkey business is ill-advised. Questions?" Bender responded, like he always did.

"Yeah. I got a question. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?" He asked, gaining a few smiles from the others and a quiet chuckle out of Matt.

"And the answer to that question, Mr.Bender, next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns." After the little show Bender and Vernon put on, Vernon decided to leave.

"That man.. is a brownie hound." Bender said pointing to the exiting teacher. And so, detention began. Matt shoved their sunglasses back on their face while they watched the door slam shut.


Looking back at it again and I cant believe that people are actually reading this it's so bad I'm so sorry yall

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