5-Oh, shit.

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"Look, you guys keep up your talking and Vernon's gonna come right in here..I got a meet this Saturday and i'm not gonna miss it on account of you boneheads." The jock- Matt was still to learn his name- said, turning his head. Rolling her eyes at the boy, Matt picked turned to her side and began looking for random things in her backpack.

"Oh, and wouldn't that bite.." Bender said in fake agony, even adding a groan. "Missing a whole wrestling meet!"

"Well you wouldn't know anything about it, f****t! You never competed in your whole life!" His choice of words aggravated Matt, she was definitely not straight and though she didn't tell anyone besides Julian- who was fine with it, Julian was a cool dude- because nobody really liked the idea, she knew how hard it was having the whole world against you for something you couldn't control.

"Oh, I know..I feel all empty inside because of it. I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll on the floor with other guys!" Bender still had the same sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Ahhh...you'd never miss it. You don't have any goals." It seemed as if everything that came out of the jocks mouth pissed of the girl. Everyone had they're dreams- realistic or not.

"Oh, but I do!" Bender replied


"I wanna be just-like-you! I figure all I need's a lobotomy and some tights!" Matt would've laughed but she was too busy wondering if a lobotomy hurt. If it did she hoped the wrestler got one. If you hadn't noticed, she could be cruel at times.

Johnson, interested in the fact that the dirty blonde wore tights spoke up.

"You wear tights?" He asked. Andrew turned to face the lanky boy.

"No I don't wear tights, I wear the required uniform.." He responded harshly.

"Tights..." Johnson mumbled, Matt nodding her head in agreement.

"Shut up!" The jock yelled back defensively.

Hearing Vernon moving in the halls, Bender quickly moving to sit in between Claire and the jock and folds his hands together innocently. As Vernon goes back into his office Bender gets up with a snort and weird 'whoo!'. He starts walking to the doorway of the library, Matt smirked- she had been in detention before, she knew exactly what he was doing.

"You know, there's not s'posed to be any monkey business!" Johnson stuttered, not wanting to get in trouble. Imitating Vernon, Bender popped his collar up and pointed at the boy.

"Young man, have you finished your paper?' Matt let out an airy chuckle. When Bender does reach the door he looks out, seeing if Vernon was still there and starts removing a screw from the door.

"What are you gonna do?" Claire asked, only getting a reply out of the boy next to her.

"Drop dead, I hope!"

"Bender, that's, that's school property there...you know, it doesn't belong to us.. It's not something to be toyed with." Johnson stated, his stutter worsening. As the door shuts, Bender quickly walks back to his desk. Hearing a whistle, he looks back to see Matt with her hands out. He throws her the screw, watching her stuff in the pocket of her jacket with a raised eyebrow. She waves her hand at him, telling him to turn around as the others still yell at him.

"That's very funny, come on, fix it!"

"You should really fix that!"

"Am I a genius?"

"No, you're an asshole!"

"What a funny guy!"

"Fix the door Bender!"

"Everyone just shhh!"

At this point you could hear the teens arguing from the hallway, which is most likely what got them caught in the first place. Quickly becoming annoyed with everyone and not thinking properly because of the pounding migraine taking its affects, Matt did the only think she thought would stop them.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Suddenly, everyone else in the room flung their head in her direction with wide eyes at the girls voice. She slumped in her seat, rubbing her eyes and muttering, 'oh, shit.'

"Goddammit!" Vernon yelled from outside of the doors.


They finally heard her voice!


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