16- Fuck you!

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Bender and Matt jogged down the stairs of the upper library floor both out of breath, Matt rubbing her left shoulder knowing a bruise would show up tomorrow morning.

"What?" Bender asks after looking at the shocked faces on the Claire and Andy's face.

"God dammit!" Hearing the muttered curses of Vernon, everyone's movements stopped as they stared at the door. Thinking quickly Matt grabbed John and shoved him under what was now their table and sat down, pretending as if nothing had happened.

"What in god's name is going on in here?" The man shouted as he entered the room. Everyone shrugged. "What was that ruckus?"

"What ruckus?" Clark asked.

"I was just in my office, and I heard a ruckus."

"Could you describe the ruckus, sir?" Brian asked turning gaining Vernon's attention.

"Watch your tongue, young man. Watch it." Vernon warned. The others heard a thud followed by a groan- John had hit his head on the table- and Andy banged his hands on the table to which John did the same as a thanks. This time Allison took her feet of the desk in front of her and loudly dropped them to the floor.

"What it this?" Vernon asked, confused by their actions. Andy made an unnecessary zipping noise as he pointed up. "What is that? What-what-what is that noise?"

"What noise" Andy asked the man. Matt spoke up trying not to seem suspicious.

"Really there wasn't any noise-" She cut herself short with a cough as she tried to hide the waver in her voice. Apparently, John felt that it was necessary to pepper her thighs in butterfly kisses -she may have been wearing fishnets but they were pretty old and worn out so there were plenty of holes in them. As she continued coughing the others seemed to started to as well.

"That noise? Was that the noise you um, you were talking about?" There was still a small waver in her voice, her cheeks dusted a light pink as the boy continued.

"No, it wasn't. That was not the noise I was talking about. Now, I may not have caught you in the act this time, but I bet you can bet I will." Allison laughed at this. "You make book on that, missy." He pointed to Matt. "I will not be made a fool of." Vernon turned around after lecturing them showing the toilet cover that was stuck in his pants.

While the others laugh at that, Matt pushed her chair back letting John out. She sat with her arms crossed as she tried to keep a straight face.

"It was an accident."

"I hate you." Clearly, by the smile forming on her lips as she hit his shoulder- not to mention her cheeks were still a tiny bit pink- she didn't.

"Sue me." John stated a small smirk. He got up and made his way over to Brian. "So, Ahab, can I have all my doobage?" After getting his weed back he went back to the table and picked Matt up, placing her over his shoulder earning a small noise of surprise and started making his way to the back of the library.

"You, wastoid! You're not gonna blaze up in here!" Andy protested to which Matt looked up showing the boy a grin and stuck her middle fingers up at him.

"Fuck you!" She yelled at him while putting her hands down so her right one could wrap around  his shoulder and hold onto his bicep while the other gripped onto his waist, both of her hands on the same side silently hoping that she wouldn't fall.



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