17- Can I kiss you then?

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To say the least Matt was definitely surprised when the others decided to come along- except for Ally that is. It was clear that the others had never smoked when they started acting....well, high. Brian had put Johns sunglasses on and immediately started laughing for no reason to which Claire, John and Matt joined him. John pulled a match out- apparently he forgot he had them in his coat- and lit it using his teeth.

"That was so hot." Matt spoke from besides shaking her head with wide eyes as she giggled through the sentence. Grinning at the girl, Bender lit Claire up. As she coughed out the smoke the others laughed at her. After taking another hit, Brian tried to eat the smoke while Matt put her head on Johns shoulder both of them finding the boy very amusing.

"Chicks cannot hold their smoke. That's what it is." Brain spoke up in a funny voice. Matt lightly kicked at the boys knee.

"Fuck you, dude." She said playfully. "Watch this, watch this." After everyone's attention was on her she took a hit and blew it out in a ring- which Claire and Brian already thought was cool enough- and quickly moved forward and breathed the ring up her nose like a septum piercing or a bull ring. The others had a look on their face which was in the middle of horrified and amazement so she stuck out her her tongue out- in a way that reminded Brian of that one Albert Einstein picture- and widened her eyes which made her look a bit crazy but she didn't mind it. After taking another hit, Claire spoke up with a cough.

"Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school."

"Poor baby." Bender spoke up as she took another hit. Brian waves his hand in the air, asking for a high five and falling back in his chair after receiving one from John causing Claire and Matt to laugh at the boy. Hearing music coming from somewhere, they all look up to find Andy leaving a room full of smoke, a blunt still in hand. Unzipping his jacket, he started dancing to the music. As he made his way over to whatever destination he had- if there even was one- doing cartwheels and somersaults even jumping over a few bookshelf's too. Somewhere along the way he lost another shirt and Brian had started catcalling him. After making his way back to the foreign language room he slammed it shut and started screaming, breaking the glass of the door.

Brian and Andy had wondered off somewhere else after Andrews show, Ally joining them at one point while John and Matt- who had laid down on the table after Brain left- go through all of Claire's stuff while she looked through Johns. Matt had taken Claire's eyeliner and started drawing on her hand while Bender was brushing his teeth with a brush that looked to have come out of a blush compact.

"Are all these your girlfriends?" Claire asked, looking at all of the pictures John had in his wallet.

"Some of em'" He replied, putting the brush back down. Matt stole the pictures from Claire and started looking through them as they continued on with their conversation. She stopped, looking at a picture of Taylor. A small smile grew on her face as she continued flipping through the small book. She found a picture of Jessica too. She tuned back into the conversation, wanting to know what lies John was telling.

"Well, some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider."

"Consider what?"

"Whether or not I wanna hang out with them."

"You don't believe in just one guy, one girl?"

"Do you?"

"Yeah. It's the way it should be."

"Do you know what polyamory is or...?" Matt asked truly curious if the girl knew. After receiving weird looks from the others she defended herself again. "I mean it's not for me, but it's a thing."

"How come you got so much shit in your purse?" John asked, changing the subject.

"How come you have so many girlfriends?"

"I asked you first."

"I don't know. I guess I never throw anything away."

"Neither do I." This seemed to be the end of the conversation as Claire let out a noise of defeat and got up to find something else to do, leaving John and Matt. John, noticing Matt was staring at him hummed in question. She shrugged and tossed the wallet back into his lap turning to lay on her back the small smile still on her face. Instead of questioning the girls behavior like a normal person would he placed his elbows just above where her shoulders where, his hands folding together right where her neck ends and bent down.

"You just looked through a bunch of pictures of girls I've hooked up with. I've been flirting with you all day. Why in the hell are you smiling, Matt?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper as she moved her hands up to push back the piece of hair that had fallen in his face.

"I know your lying to get Claire off your back." She replied in the same tone. A look of confusion covered his face. "I'm bi, John. I hooked up with Taylor some time ago. Not to mention Julian's girlfriend was in there and shes not like that." Knowing that he had friends who were gay, she felt safe telling him. He hummed in response.

"So...can I kiss you then?" John asked seemingly a little nervous though it did make Matt feel better that he was ignoring her deepest, darkest secret as if it were nothing. She chuckled at the boy and nodded before immediately feeling his lips on hers. It wasn't like how all the books describe it. There were no fireworks. It didn't bring butterfly's to her stomach, but it bruised her lips. She felt wanted.

"Oh, I did not need to see that." Brian announced walking away from the pair who had started making out. Hearing Brian's voice the couple pulled apart after trying to kiss through the laugher. The end of the kiss let Matt sit up from the table and sit next to John who put his arm around her. Noticing Bender in thought, Matt asked him what he was thinking about.

"Why's your name Matthew, anyways? Isn't that s'posed to be a guys name?"

"Oh, uh, apparently my mom never came up with a name for a girl and she liked the name Matthew. She was one of those real strict Christian people and apparently it's Christian." She told him with a shrug earning another hum. Neither of them really knew what they were doing or what was happening between them but they liked it and at the moment that seemed to be all that mattered.



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