11- Parents Suck Ass Pt.2

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After the others had gotten back, they were finally able to have lunch.

"What's in there?" Bender asks Claire, who brought a shopping bag. Matt had taken one of those small packs of goldfish, throwing them up and catching them in her mouth one by one, the only right way to eat them.

"Guess. Where's your lunch?" The girl responded. Matt who had reached up to get a coke felt a small tap on her ass, whipping her head around to see Bender staring smugly at the girl.

"She's wearin' it."

"Bite me asshole." Matt replied after she sat back in her chair, glaring playfully at the boy before catching a goldfish in her mouth as he started pretended to try to bite her arm.

"You're nauseating." The red head told the duo before pulling more things out of her bag.

"What's that?" Bender asked the girl when she pulled a lid off of a small, black box.


"Sushi?" After letting out an airy laugh, Claire explained.

"Rice, raw fish and seaweed." This seemed to gain almost everyone's attention, Matt's face scrunched in disgusted as she spoke up.

"You don't want some dudes tongue in your mouth but you'll eat raw fish?"

"Can I eat?"

"I don't know...give it a try." Andy started pulling out his lunch after the small conversation had ended. Bender and Matt stared at the boy in surprise while he continued pulling things out. Soon enough Claire hears the ruckus and looks over too. Hearing a can open from the back of the room, Matt and Johnson turn around.

"What's your problem?" Clark asks the two students who were still staring at him. As the girl in the back continued to put her sandwich together Matt wondered if there were any normal people in the room. The girl took a bite of her sandwich, realizing everybody was now staring at her again. Bender walked over to Brian's table, trading the lunch for his coke.

"What are we having?" He asked the nerdy boy.

"Uh, it's your standard regular lunch, I guess."

"Milk?" Bender asks after pulling out a thermos.

"Soup." Brian corrected. He went to take it back, receiving a smack to his hand. "That's apple juice.."

"I can read..." Bender snaps at the boy. "PB&J with the crusts cut off. Well, Brian, this is a very nutritious lunch. All the food groups represented. Did your mom marry Mr.Rogers?"

"Uh, no Mr.Johnson." Everyone else in the roomed smiled at the boys clueless-ness.

"Here's my impression of life, at big Bri's house." The brunette stated over-dramatically. He got up from his seat, putting on a show for everybody.

(Brian's father- bold Brian- italicized Brian's mother- underlined)

"Son?" Bender said cupping one of his hands over his mouth.

"Yeah dad?" This time, his voice was a little higher than normal but he had both hands on his dimples.

"How was your day pal?"

"Great, dad! How's yours?"

"Super. Say, son how'd you like to go fishing this weekend?" He made a fake fishing rod with the hand that wasn't over his mouth and over annunciated fishing.

"Great dad! But I've got homework to do.."

"That's all right, son. You can do it on the boat!"


"Dear, isn't our son swell?"

"Yes, Dear, isn't life swell?" Still pretending to be Brian's parents, he mimes them kissing but all of the smiles leave the room as he pretends to punch one of them.

"All right, what about your family?" Clark asks, sticking up for the boy.

"Oh mine? S'real easy." He stood up again, going back to the center of the desks. As he got in his place, he slouched back, rubbing his neck and pointing out. Matt knew the second he started 'getting into character' where this was going.

(same keys)

"Stupid, worthless, no-good, goddamn freeloadin' son of a bitch, big mouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk."

"You forgot ugly, lazy, and disrespectful." This time he crossed his arms.

"Shut up, bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie." He waved his hand back as if he went to slap someone from behind.

"What about you, dad?"

"Fuck you."

"No, dad. What about you?"

"Fuck you!" His voiced seemed to be rising.

"No, dad! What-about-you!"

"Fuck you!!" This time, he punched the air, as if his father had done so to him, not noticing Matt's uncomfortable as she looked down to the table in front of her, picking at her hands.

"Is that for real?" Brian asks, becoming even more nervous.

"You wanna come over some time?" He replied, sarcastically.

"That's bullshit, It's all part of your image. I don't believe a word of it." Clark speaks up, Matt looking up to give the boy a look of utter shock. This kid really was a piece of shit.

"You don't believe me?"


"No?" His voice seemed to be raising again.

"Did I stutter?" Slowly walking up to the boy, he pulled his sleeve up revealing a burn, the size of a cigar. Matt looked away, uncomfortable with the familiarity of the burn.

"Do you believe this? Huh? It's about the size of a cigar. Do I stutter?" Clark had turned the opposite way, refusing to look at the burn. "See, this is what you get in my house when you spill paint in the garage." He rolled his sleeve back down, and started walking backwards. "See, I don't think that I need to sit with you fucking dildos anymore." He moved to a table, throwing the books off of it with a yell that made Matt's breath hitch. Climbing the railing, he sat down catching his breath. Once again, Matt had been proven, that parents suck ass.



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