8-Parents Suck Ass

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"Hey, you grounded tonight?" Andrew asked the red head.

"I don't know. My mom said I was. My dad told me just to blow her off." Looking back to Bender who still had his hand around Matt's waist but was now shuffling through the cards with her head on his shoulder.

"There's a big party at Stubby's. His parents are in Europe. It should be pretty wild."


"Yeah, are you going to go?" Before Claire got the chance to speak Matt did.

"If you're lookin' for her to put out Clark, you're sorely mistaken." Bender chuckled as she was ignored by the jock and glared at by the princess who soon started speaking.

"I doubt it."

"How come?"

"'Cause if I do what my Mother tells me not do, it's because my father says it's okay. There's like this whole big monster deal, it's endless and it's a total drag. It's like...any minute" She waves her hand in the air with an eye roll. "Divorce."

"Who you like better?" Somehow the two popular's hadn't noticed Bender and Matt watching them like a TV show. They were nosy-fuckers.

"What?" Claire looks up in surprise, wondering how she had his attention instead of the girl next to him.

"You like your old man better than your ma?" This time, Matt had asked.

"They're both screwed." Matt rolled her eyes. Was it really that hard to understand?

"No, we mean, if you had to choose between them." Bender stated, trying to somehow make it clearer that Matt had.

"I don't know. Probably go live with my brother. I mean, I don't think either one of them gives a shit about me. It's like they use me just to get back at each other." Matt was never good in situations that involved parents. It always made her awkward. I mean, you'd be like that too if you're mother died in child birth and you have no clue who you're father is but believe he ended up in jail somewhere. She zoned out half-way through Claire's sympathy speech.

"HA!" The girl in the back of the library yelled, surprising everyone. Matt winked at the girl.

"Shut up!" Claire told the girl.

"You're just feelin' sorry for yourself." Andy stated, defending the girl.

"Yeah, well if I didn't nobody else would."

"Least you got parents princess." Matt mumbled under her breath as Clark said something she didn't quite catch.

"Sporto?" Bender asked.

"What?" The boy said back, voice filled with annoyance. Bender tossed a few loose pieces of paper back and jumping of the table, moving to sit in front of Matt, her legs swinging on either side of him.

"You get along with your parents?"

"We, if I say yes, I'm an idiot, right?" Bender moved from in front of the girl, jumping over the railing and next to the dirty blonde.

"You're an idiot anyway. But if you say you get along with your parents, well, you're a liar, too." As Matt chuckled at the boy who was now walking away from Clark, everyone seemed to be watching intently as the jock shoved him.

"You know somethin, man? If we weren't in school, I'd waste you." Wanting a better view of whatever the hell was happening, Matt jumped over the railing and sat at the desk behind Claire. Truly, the only thing she was actually getting out of this was that parents sucked ass but she liked drama.

"Can you hear this? You want me to turn it up?" Bender replied, shoving his middle finger in the other boys face. Not wanting a fight to occur, Johnson stepped in the way.

"Hey fellas, I mean.." His hands were harshly slapped off the other boys shoulders. "I don't- I don't like my parents, either. I mean- I don't- y'know- I don't- I don't get along with them. The-their idea of y'know, parental compassion is just, y'know, wacko, y'now?" In the middle of the boys stuttering Clark had shoved past him and now he was left to stare at Bender.



"You are a parent's wet dream, okay?" Bender relied roughly patting his shoulder causing the lanky teen to fall back onto the desk.

"Well, that's the problem." Matt, annoyed with the fact that feelings were being spread around the room rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Look, I can see you gettin' all bunged up for them makin' you wear these kinda clothes, but face it, you're a neo-maxi-zoom-dweeb. What would you be doin' if you weren't out making yourself a better citizen?" Matt stifled a laugh at Benders insults.

"Why do you have to insult everybody?" Andrew asked, annoyed.

"I'm being honest, asshole. I would expect you to know the difference." He replied pointing at the jock.

"Well, he's got a name."


"Yeah. What's you're name?" Well isn't he a hypocrite if I've ever seen one.


"My condolences." The brunette told Johnson, though he didn't sound - or look- very apologetic.



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