18- Never mind, it fuckin' sucks

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After awhile of Matt and John mumbling conversation to each other- a few wet kisses here and there- they joined the others on the floor, Matt sitting in between Allison and John.

"What would I do for a million bucks? I guess I'd do as little as I had to?" Matt rolled her eyes at the Andrew.

"That is the most boring thing you could have said. Ever."

"Well how am I supposed to answer?"

"Oh, I don't know-" She was cut off by Claire, who knew they would just continue bickering if they weren't stopped anytime soon.

"The idea is to, like, search your mind for the absolute limit. Like, um, would you drive to school naked?" Andy laughed at the girls question seemingly a little bit to shy to answer.

"Um..uh, would I have to get out of the car?" Zoning out their 'boring' conversation, Matt turned to look at Bender who seemed to be spacing out. Hoping for his attention she poked his cheek. When he didn't make any move to tell her he was paying attention she kept doing it until he grabbed her hand and pointed at her with his other one, narrowing his eyes as she tried to get out of his grip, only to be pulled into his side. She started paying attention again when Allison spoke up.

"I'd do that. I'll do anything sexual, I don't need a million dollars to do it, either." Matt raised her eyebrows at the girl while Claire rolled her eyes.

"You're lying." She stated.

"I already have." This caught John's attention- he'd been playing with the chain on Matt's earring instead of contributing to the conversation. "I've done just about everything there is, except a few things that are illegal. I'm a nymphomaniac." She continued.

"Lie." Claire said- again.

"Are your parents aware of this?" Brian spoke up, concerned for the girls well being.

"The only person I told was my shrink."

"What did he do when you told em'?" This time Andy had asked, most likely also concerned for the girl.

"He nailed me." Matt chuckled at the girl and raised her fist for a fist bump- she had caught on that was a lie awhile ago, most nymphomaniacs were addicted to other things too and Ally hadn't smoked earlier. They also probably wouldn't be sharing it.

"Very nice."

"I don't think that from a legal standpoint what he did can be construed as rape since I paid him."

"He's an adult." Claire had gotten more and more disgusted as the conversation went on, her face scrunching up.

"Yeah. He's married, too." Claire let out a sound of distaste at the girls words.

"Do you have any idea how completely gross that is?"

"Well the first few times-" Claire cut her off.

"The first few times? You mean he did it more than once?" She asked in astonishment.


"Are you crazy?" Claire asked the girl, as if she hadn't already made up her mind.

"Obviously she's crazy if she's screwing her shrink."

"Hey! I've been to plenty of shrinks, do I look crazy to you?" Matt spoke up, glaring at Brian who looked back with wide eyed and pointed at her.

"Yes. I'm absolutely terrified of you, you look like you're dead." She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Claire. Even if the comment wasn't uncommon it didn't mean it wasn't rude-  her frayed and damaged hair which was black at the moment,the purple bags under her eyes were accentuated because of her pale skin tone and last nights party was definitely not helping. Not to mention her voice, which truly made her sound like she had risen from the dead- and when she sung- holy shit, the talent she had- she sounded like...Axl Rose but deeper. Oh, the amount of Christian moms she had scared was uncountable. Her own was probably looking down at her with so much disgrace for what they had turned into.

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