9- You A Virgin?

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"What's your name?" Claire asked as Bender started walking towards her desk. After the whole Andy vs. Bender thing Matt had gone and sat on the railing again.

"What's yours?" He bit back.



"Claire..It's a family name."

"No, it's a weird girls name..." Matt stated quietly.

"Oh, thank you." The red-head replied.

"You're welcome."

"I'm not weird" Bender decided to add his bit to the girls bickering.

"You're both wrong, it's a fat girls name."

"I'm not fat either!" Claire responded.

"Well, not a present, but I can see you really pushing maximum density. You see, I'm not sure if you know this, but there are two kinds of fat people. There's fat people that were born to be fat and there's fat people that were once thin, but they became fat, so when you look at em' you can sort of see that thin person inside." Bender spoke as if he were explaining on a TV documentary, waving his hands at the girl. "You see, you're gonna get married, you're gonna squeeze out a few puppies, and then..." Bender interrupted himself, making weird noises and intimidating a stomach growing. Claire flipped of the duo.

"Ooh. Obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl." The boy said, as both of them still stared down at the princess.

"I'm not that pristine." She told them, scowling at the trouble-makers. Matt leaned forward, putting her hands against the desk- which did give Bender a good look at her ass, but not the point- looking Claire straight in the eyes.

"You a virgin?" The girl seemed taken back by the question. "I bet you are. A nice little Christian girl, huh?" She continued, a small smirk playing on her face.

"Why don't you just shut up?" Matt ignored Claire's request, continuing.

"Have you ever kissed someone on the mouth? Been felt up..over the bra, under the blouse...hopin' to God someone don't walk in?"

"Do you want me to puke?" Claire responded, extremely quietly. Matt hadn't looked at Bender seeing as all of her focus was on making little miss princess uncomfortable but if she did, she would see the unmistakable look of lust in his eyes as he stared at her, his eyes moving lower every now on then.

"Over the panties, no bra, Calvin's in a ball on the front seat past 11:00 on a school night? Hey, no shame in waiting, but sure as hell more pleasure in not."

"Leave her alone." Clark stated, noticing how uncomfortable Claire was. As the red-head tried to look away from Matt, she moved so she was in the other girls line of vision again.

"I said leave her alone." He stated again, this time louder and moving towards the desk. Matt looked up at the boy.

"You gonna make me?" She asked the boy. She had gotten into fights for smaller reasons with bigger people she knew she would be perfectly fine in the end. Bender put his hand on her shoulder, not knowing how much of a punch the girl could pack but it soon fell off.

"Yeah." Sure he said it, but he wasn't to keen on the idea of hitting a girl. But it didn't seem like she gave a shit, so why not? Stepping onto a chair then the desk, and soon another chair and she was in front of the jock. She might have been shorter by a few inches but her glare was intimidating as hell.

"You and how many of your friends?" At this point, Johnson looked terrified.

"Just me. Just you and me. Two hits. Me hittin' you, you hittin' the floor. Anytime your ready, pal." As they waited for the girl to make her move, everyone else in the room seemed to be worried. He was a wrestler for god sake, and a good one too, the whole school knew of all of his awards and accomplishments. Knowing Clark was gonna use some of the wrestling shit he had learned over the years and she was gonna have to get out of it no matter what, she went to tap his face lightly with the back side of her hand. Of course, she had been right. She did put up a pretty good fight though. After basically being tackled to the ground, her face being shoved in the carpet, somehow she was keeping her cool. Still, everyone else was freaking out, but she was fine, a little trouble breathing, but fine.

"I don't wanna get into it with you, man." She said, as she somehow managed to turn around so she was facing Clark, and kneed him lightly in the chest. When the boy winced she realized that her light and a rich kid from the suburbans light was way different. Clark let the girl go, standing up. She stood up as if nothing happened, flipping her hair back though the baby hairs were still everywhere.

"Why not?"

"Cause I'd kill you. S'real simple. I'd kill you and your fucking parents would sue me, and it'd be a big mess and I don't care enough about you to bother. I don't care about you at all, really." She told the boy as if he hadn't just shoved her face into the ground 5 seconds ago. You had to admit, it was pretty impressive.

"Chicken shit.." Andy mumbles under his breath, pissing Matt off even more. So much, that she felt it was necessary to pull out the switchblade she kept in her leather jacket at all times- The Outsiders was one of the only books she owned and truly liked even though it was difficult for her to read but she felt obligated to read it after seeing the movie hundreds of times. She took much inspiration from it, one of her favorite characters being Two-Bit. It made her feel cool plus she liked cutting shit up with it. Not people, just random shit you'd find in the back of a classroom and carving random things into desks. The boy looked back, hearing the click of the blade. She stuck in the table with a small grunt.

"Let's end this right now. You don't talk to her... you don't look at her... and you don't even think about her. You understand me?" Matt didn't like being yelled at or being told what to do. Watching as her jaw tightened, Bender moved forward to get the girl before she did something she'd regret.

"Alright, lets not commit murder in detention, this place is already enough like prison." He muttered as he grabbed the girls arms to contain her and awkwardly shuffled passed Andy to get to one of the front desks.


It is currently 3:12 a.m, and I just finished this so if anythings a bit messed up that's why, sorry!


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