23- Shut up, John

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After a lot of sneaking- and almost getting caught- a few mistakes, and stealing the keys off of Vernon's desk, Matt eventually made it to the closet. Quickly, she opened the door and shut it by pushing up against it hoping no one heard her. A smirk fell on her face when seeing John.

"You lost?" He asked her, standing up from the desk he had been sitting on.

"Yeah, actually. I was lookin' for this real asshole of a guy, about this tall, " She put her hand up trying to guess his height. "uh, his hairs pretty long goes to his shoulders. Kinda looks like that one guy in uh, uh..what's it called? Uh.." She thinking was cut off by Bender.

"Oh, shut up.." He mumbled, grabbing her hips and bringing her into a somehow put together but extremely sloppy kiss. Both of them smiling as Johns hands move lower, grabbing her by the back of her thighs. She moves closer, wrapping her hands around his neck while he moved to sit back on the desk. She moved with him, straddling his hips. As soon as John went to kiss her neck the door opened causing both of them to stop and immediately jump off of each other, giggling under their breath.

"What in the hell? Get out of here!" Vernon shouted at the two causing Matt to quickly grab Johns hand and shuffle past the vice-principle their giggles growing louder. Seeing the others walking down the hall they joined them.

"What happened to you two?" Andrew asked, weirded out by seeing both of them with a small blush and huge, generous smiles covering their faces.

"Nothin'." They both replied a little too quickly causing the others to look at them too.

"See you Brian." Another voice echoed through the hallways making them look back towards where it came from.

"Hey, Carl." The boy responded.

"See you next Saturday."                                                                                                                                           "See you later man."

Both Matt and Bender told the man as the latter lugged his arm over the others shoulder.

"You bet."

Soon they reached the steps of the school where Matt took a dramatic breath of fresh air, glad to be out of school. She taps Johns torso to catch his attention and points to the others. Andy and Allison sharing a huge kiss and as they broke apart she stole a patch off of his jacket, still watching each other as they moved to their parents cars. Claire kissing Brian on the check causing him to go bright red and a huge grin to spread across her face. Handing him a piece of paper the girl tells him to call her causing him to go even more red and nod.

Taking her attention off of the other couples she lets Johns arm drop off her shoulder as she moves to the front step and bends down picking up her lighter that had fallen out of her pocket this morning. Turning back around she takes Johns out of her pocket and tries giving it back.

"Keep it." He told her, shoving it back into her hands.

"Why are you so difficult? Just take it, it's yours."

"Well I don't want that one, I want that one." He pointed to the one that she had picked off of the ground, the initials 'MS' written on the bottom in almost unintelligible writing.

"Fine. Then I want this one." Matt told him shoving her lighter into his hands earning a small smile. Before putting the metal lighter he had given her at the beginning of the day back into her pocket she didn't fail to see the letters 'JB' scratched onto it.

"Alright, lets leave this shit hole." Matt stated, walking down the steps with John next to her, who had once again put his arm around his shoulder.

"I don't feel like going home." The boy said.

"Me neither. There's a gas station a few blocks back wanna walk? I've got a few bucks and this jackets got good hiding places."

"I know a short cut." John told the girl as they headed to the football field. As they reached the middle of the field he lifted his fist up, letting out a loud shout of victory.

"You know, if I knew you were this much of a dork I never would've wanted you to be my boyfriend in the first place." Matt told him, laughing at this actions. Hearing this, John stopped walking and turned to the girl his smirk growing.

"Boyfriend, huh?"

"Shut up, John." She mumbled back and put her hands around his neck pulling him in for a kiss. Just like the first time and every other time, his smile grew hearing her say his name.


Finally done!


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