22- You know, the simple stuff

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After laughing a bit, they all got up as Brian turned music on. Matt looked at him with an almost glare at the choice of music but started bopping her head up and down when the guitar solo started. While Ally and Brian were flailing around, Claire doing the same movement over and over again, Bender whipping his head back and forth so fast he could possibly have a seizure, Andy tapping on his leg and eventually working his way up to flailing around with Ally and Brian, Matt was playing air guitar and head banging around just as fast as John was. At one point she had dropped down to her knees, still playing air guitar just like she used to while performing with her band. Instead of getting up she completely stopped and laid on the second story floor opposite of Andrew- where she had been the whole time. It was like she was having a flashback, except instead of going back to WWII she was back in L.A, living the dream of every gutter punk.

After calming down once more but this time from an intense dance party, John had to go back to the closet.

"See you later, yeah?" Matt asked, after a quick kiss.

"Yeah." He confirmed, taking a few steps back towards the stairs and back to the hole in the ceiling, both of the teens with small smiles on their faces.

Sometimes after Bender had left they had all sat on the railing, Matt squeezed into the small space between Andy and the wall.

"Brian?" Claire spoke up. Brian hummed, trying to come back to the real world after spacing out a bit.

"Are you gonna write your paper?"

"Yeah. Why?" Besides they're quiet talking nothing else could be heard through the library.

"Well, it's kinda a waste for all of us to write our paper, don't you think?"

"Well, that's what Vernon want's us to do.." He had almost questioned he, clearly confused.

"True, but I think we'd all kind of say the same thing." A small smile appeared on the boys face.

"You just don't wanna write your paper, right?"

"True, but, you're the smartest, right?" Claire looked to the others for confirmation. The boy scoffed at her.

"What?" His smile had grown, now a small blush appeared on his face.

"We trust you." This time Brian looked towards the others earning a few nods from Andrew and Ally before turning to Matt who hadn't been paying attention at all. In fact, she was in the same position as she was on the desk next to Bender when he was ripping up books and crap except this time her head was upside down. Ally had to get her attention by reaching over Andy and poking her in the shoulder. She shot up, almost falling off of the railing while the others chuckled at her antics.


"You trust Brian enough to write an essay for you, right?"Claire repeated.

"Oh, I already wrote mine. I think I'm short a few words though."

"What'd you write?" This time Brian asked.

"Just a simple, fuck you, I hope I forget you when I'm famous and rich and you're dying in a gutter somewhere. You know, the simple stuff." While the others looked at her with wide eyes while Ally giggled at the girl.

"Anyways...we trust you." Again, it was Claire who told him.

"All right. I'll do it."

"Great." Again, their was a bit of silence until Claire and Ally started having a silent conversation. Claire smiled and looked away before pulling on the girls sweater. "Come on."

"Where we going?" Ally mumbled back. Claire repeated herself before hopping down and telling Matt to come too. Following after Claire, Matt hoped down and stopped in front of Ally waiting for her to jump down. The three girls went into an empty room. Apparently Ally was getting a makeover. Matt was supposed to get one too but she spewed a few threats at the red-head until she left her alone.

"Don't be afraid." Claire states in a 'calming' voice while putting a brown eyeliner on Ally.

"You know, that's exactly what you would say before murdering someone." Matt commented earning a side eye from the girl.

"Don't stick that in my eye.."

"I'm not sticking...just close it. No, wait, wait. Just go like..go like that." She started making this weird shocked face- basically a sex face- before making Ally do it. Again, she started putting more eyeliner on the girl as she made small little squeaky noises.

"You know, you really do look better without all that black shit on your eyes."

"Hey. I like that black shit."

"This looks a lot better. Look up." After finishing the eyeliner and mascara she moved onto using some sort of brush. Ally made more weird sounds at the feeling of it.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"'Cause your letting me."

"You know, Claire, your not as much of a bitch as I thought you were." Matt told the girl. Claire, who wasn't sure if it was a compliment or an insult gave the girl another side eye and shook her head. Finally, she moved out of the way so Matt could see the final results.

"S'fine. You're still not touching my face."

"Oh come on! You look like something out of that poltergeist movie with those eye bags! What could be the worst thing to happen?"

"For your information, I happen to like looking this. The more you stick out, the more the people of the rock scene will like you. For instance, Ozzy. You ever seen anyone as crazy as him? No. The dudes a fuckin' god."

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Don't worry I'll teach you all about em'"

"No thanks." Matt was still going to tell her all about them.

Finally, they walked out of the small room and towards Brian and Andy. Well, Claire and Ally did anyways, Matt had snuck off to the front door of the library looking for the closet John was stuck in again.



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