7- Sex Eyes and Tickles

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After Matt's outburst everything went quiet for a bit as they were all surprised that the girl had that much attitude. After mostly minding there own business, Claire, Johnson, Clark, and the quiet girl had fallen asleep. Bender got up from his table and moved to Matt's who was sitting with her arms folded on the table, her head sitting in them and looking towards the left- the seat Bender took.

"You good Sweets?" He asks leaning back in his new chair. Matt opened one of her eyes, and nodded a hair falling into her face. Bender went to move the hair out of her face but she slapped his hand away with a small glare. With a roll of his eyes Bender put his head on the table next to hers.

"Don't touch me.." Matt mumbled through her pout. He chuckled at her childishness.

"Come sit with me." He told her. She shook her head, not wanting to move.

"Are you really gonna make me do this?" He said with a loud sigh. Matt sat up which caused Bender to get up with her.

"Do what?" She asked, her voice full of uncertainty. He quickly put one of hands in the crease of her knees and the other in the middle of her back, picking her up as if she was a feather. Her loud protests woke up the other teens. Seeing as the table was close, Matt was quickly put down in the chair closer to the isle, her backpack sat next to her.

The others went back to doing they're separate things. Andy, playing with the string on his hoodie, Claire staring into space, Brian uncomfortably covering his crotch after staring at Claire- we all know why- and the girl in the back making her finger go purple from the string she had wrapped around it. After some time Andy starts playing paper football by himself which was really depressing to watch and the crazy looking chick started drawing.

Matt had been listening to her Walkman she had grumpily dug out of her bag switching between the many random tapes she had either stolen from stores or house party's- most of them being small artists of either the metal or punk rock genre. She looked over to see Bender playing air guitar and pulled his elbows down a bit, earning a confused look. Not feeling like talking or turning her music down she demonstrates how he had had his arms before she moved them and shook her head, then moving her arms to how she had put them and nodded, closing her eyes.

Letting out an airy laugh at the girl, he softly pulled her into his chest by the back of her head, where she stayed seeing as she was tired and still didn't feel like moving. She quickly feel asleep after Benders chin rested on top of her head, both of them wondering how the hell this had happened.

Waking up to loud shouting, Matt nuzzled her head further into Benders neck who tried to pull her closer but it was physically impossible.

"Who has to go to the lavatory?" Everyone raised their hands, their eyes still closed. Although it took a good five minutes Matt got up allowing Bender to do so as well. On the way to the bathrooms, Bender had his arm around her shoulder as they mumbled conversation, stumbling along the lockers.

Once they made their way back to the library Claire sat back down where she originally had been, Andrew stretching on the railing next to her. Brian was behind a pillar next to the desk Bender and Matt sat on, Bender ripping the pages out of a book.

"That's real intelligent." Clark states, sarcastically.

"You're right. It's wrong to destroy literature. And, " He paused, reading the spine of the book "Molay really pumps my nads."

"Moliere." Both Claire and Matt replied. He turned to Matt who had laid her back up against the desk and gave her a questioning look. She shrugged him off, one of her nice foster moms- they sent her off to another home after figuring out she acted completely different at home and in social situations - liked listening to audio books while cooking, Matt always liked watching her in the kitchen. The look in Benders eyes changed, still staring at the girl. She bit her lip, hiding a smirk as they basically undressed each other with their eyes.

"I love his work." Brian said, ruining their moment. Bender threw some of the books pages at him and picked up a card catalog section.

"Big deal. Nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy."

"Speak for yourself." Oh great, here we go again. Matt sat up with a sigh and an exasperated look.

"Do you think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language." He relied back

"Barely even know English.." Matt mumbled, earning a playful shove which almost sent her off the counter until Bender grabbed her waist pulling her into him. She stuck her tongue out at the boy to which he furrowed his eyebrows and tried to touch one of her piercings. She put her tongue back in her mouth and slapped his hand away, leaning back but the hand that was still around her waist began tickling her side.

"No, no, no!" She yelled through giggles, pushing her head into the crook of his neck. Clark turned around with an eye roll and started talking to Claire.



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