Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Has he left?" Sub said, interrupting my freezing moment.

I couldn't speak. So I nodded.

"Oh well. Uh, sis... are you okay?" My older brother said, waving his hand over my face.

"Y-Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said coldly, looking away so he wouldn't see my face.

"You're in love with him aren't you?"

My cheeks reached the roof of turning the brightest red in the whole world, I slapped my brother's hand.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He yelled in pain.

"I don't love him! Like I said, we're just friends!" I huffed, facing him backwards once again.

"Well, whatever. Here's some chocolate to cheer you up."
He handed me a block of chocolate, already opened. I took a bite to relieve myself to whatever just happened.

"Let's go home." I said.

We drove home without talking about him.


We arrived home, got out of the car and saw a familiar face waiting impatiently at the front door.

Oh no.

It was my older twin, Tia.

I gulped.
"Uh, I was just visiting Sub, y'know, checking in on him..."

"YOU SWORE YOU'D NEVER VISIT HIM EVER AGAIN!" She yelled, practically the whole neighbourhood could hear.

"Tia, calm down-"

"Don't you talk to me you asshole!" Tia faced Sub, then turned to me. "And you! Is this why you've been avoiding my calls?!"

"My phone's dead T." I replied, rolling my eyes at her.

"Why haven't you've been going to college?! I literally pay that for your future!!"

"I don't like it anymore. It's boring. I wanna be like Sub." I said.

"That's it! We're going home right now!" Tia grabbed me, dragging me to her car.

"No!" I said, stopping her and grabbing my arm back. "I'm tired of you telling me what to do Tia! I'm an adult! I can choose what I wanna do without your permission!"

Tia gasped. She looked steamed.
"I knew this was going to happen, with him." She glared at Sub. "Come on, (N/n), Don't make this harder as it is. Let's. Go. Home."

"I am home, in fact, I'm living here! I've already started my career and I'm not gonna end it because you told me to!" I spat.

"I've done everything I can for you not to become one! And you're not listening to me!" She retorted.

"Just leave Tia. I'm doing what I love, and I'm not abandoning it." I responded.

"Fine. Just don't expect anything from me anymore. Don't come begging from my doorstep saying 'I'm sorry', and regretting everything." She said coldly, then strutting to her car and driving off.

I sighed. I loved Tia very much, she was my sister, and we're supposed to stick with each other through thick and thin. I literally couldn't just lose her like that.

As her car was gone, I looked at Sub. He seemed completely frozen.

"You know, you're the oldest right?" I chuckled. "You should stand up for once."

"She's scary. Like Mum." Sub answered.

As he mentioned our mother, I completely wanted to ask about her, and our father.

"What was she like?" I asked, taking a small stroll in the neighbourhood, Sub following me.

"She was always yelling since I was practically a naughty kid 24/7," Sub replied, then facing me. "But she was doing it for my own good, she was still the best mother ever. You've practically got the good side."

"You saying Tia's got the bad side?" I joked, playfully punching his arm.

"Well, to if I'm being honest," He laughed, "I still love her."

"I know." I said with a smile.

Although I wished she could accept becoming a YouTuber is the dream.

A/n: Everyone's probably tired of my a/n's so I try not to post much- hehe

Also, no hate on Tia please, lol, she's just a fictional character who thinks what's best, and does not want to waste anything.

Anddd, I'm sorry Tia for making you look bad- hahaha

Ily! And everyone else! x

@tiasharma66 - I'm a sorry big johnn ;-;

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