Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s POV

It was around 8:00 pm, we were just catching up with each other, and I got to know Amie and Ethan more, they were a pretty cute couple.

"So... How's your girlfriend Lije?" Sub asked.

I paused and thought of the words. G-i-r-l-f-r-i-e-n-d.
He had a girlfriend?!

I glared at Sub, he never told me!

"Cayla? Yeah, she's pretty cool. She's coming here tomorrow for the party." Elijah replied.

Cayla? I've never heard of her before. Well, Sub is gonna pay big time.

"We're hosting a waterslide thing for our party." Ethan said, then he chuckled.

"Practically friends from high school are coming, y'know we're just catching up and that." Elijah replied.

My head was going crazy. Does that mean I can't be with him?? He's already moved on??
I guess it was all my fault. I did hurt his feelings.
Now I feel sick.


I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts, Sub clicking his fingers to wake me up.

"Oh, uh yes?" I asked, sitting up-straight.

"Amie asked if you were fine with the couch-bed down here, or you can sleep in her room." He repeated.

"Can I sleep in the room, please?"
I've never liked the idea of sleeping on a couch on my own.

"Yeah, of course." Amie smiled. "I'll go clean it."

Amie stood up and headed upstairs.

"I'll help." Ethan offered, as he followed her.

"Well, I'm gonna be sleeping in Lije's room." Sub said. "So if you need me, I'll be in the room across Amie's."

"Yeah, okay."


It was about 11:00 pm, Amie was streaming on Twitch, and I was on the ground, on my sleeping bag, just scrolling through my phone. I look through Instagram and see a few posts and edits about Elijah and Cayla. They seemed really happy together. I guess I deserved this anyway. I don't deserve Elijah, he's way too kind for me.

I guess it's back to just being myself.

"Hey, Y/n. You okay?"

I faced Amie, who already finished her livestream, and sat down beside me.

"Yeah," I said with a sigh, covering it with a smile.

"You sure? You can literally tell me anything, I promise I won't judge."
She was such a kind woman.

I guess I could tell her.

"You see... You know how Elijah came to U.K. last year?" I asked.

She nods her head.

"Well, we kind of done a few things together..." I said, my ears reddening.


"We liked each other, then he asked me out. I literally didn't know what to do, I was only 19. So I turned him down."

Amie paused, and looked into my eyes.
"You still like him, but you know he likes someone else, huh?"

I nod. Wow, she was great at this.

"Well, what I would do is try to tell him. Say, you regret what you said and you really like him." Amie replied.

"Yeah, but... I don't wanna ruin his relationship with Cayla..." I sighed.

"Cayla? You've got nothing to worry about her, she's practically wanting to break up with Elijah but he doesn't notice it." Amie responded.

"But she's coming tomorrow isn't she?" I asked.

"Well, he'll choose who he'll want to be with." Amie answered.

"I can't just go up to him and say 'Hey Elijah wanna break up with your girlfriend and end up with me?', like it's pretty dumb," I said.

"Well, I'm not telling you to do it straight away, I meant you can tell him at the right time," Amie replied.

Even though I've just known Amie, she's already like my best friend, who's really good with advice.

I nodded in agreement. Operation "Confess to Elijah" is on.

A/N: Sorry for annoying notice again tehe.

You don't know how LONG this chapter took me, like literally I kept deleting and redoing. Aghfsagfgd it's not easy storywriting >:[

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