Chapter 30

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Okay, decorations ready?"

"Yep! On set!"

"This will also be like Elijah's welcome home party," I laughed.

"Definitely." Amie agreed.

Christmas Eve.
Obviously Elijah would go home because it's a holiday. 

"Okay, you invited the guys right?" I turned towards my brother. He answered with a nod since his face was stuffed with cereal.

"Great. Everything's settled then," I smiled. We spent a few hours just decorating the whole house top to bottom.

Now we just had to wait for the guys. And the Twins. 

My heart didn't stop fluttering since Elijah was coming home. Ethan says his parents were going to spend Christmas with Elijah and Ethan's other brother, so it was just going to be just us.

The doorbell rang and Amie answered it. The guys were already here. We all greeted each other with a warm hug and completely got lost in our random conversations while waiting for the boys to get home.

Slowly, time went by and we were just sitting and watching Netflix Christmas special movies, and ate chips and popcorn.  

Amie was on her phone, she shook her head as a sign she still hasn't received any messages from Ethan. She's been texting and calling his cell for about an hour. I was worried something bad might've happened. 

I tried using my phone this time to try and call Ethan, but he didn't pick up either.

"I'm going to the hospital, Amie can you get your car keys?"

"Y/n, they'll be fine. They're just running a bit... late," She shrugged, but told me not to worry.

"Amie, I wanna check on them, please," I literally begged.

"Y/n, like I said, Ethan's phone is probably dead. I promise they'll be home soon," Amie said.

But two hours had gone passed. Three. Five.

11:00 pm. They should've been home hours ago.

"Okay, I literally can't take it anymore, Amie let's go!" I said, grabbing Amie's arm.


I opened the door and a figure stood in front of me.

It was Elijah!

I immediately threw my arms around him and sighed in relief. He was okay.

"Hey," He greeted, also hugging me back.

I let go of him and give out an awkward smile. 
"Heheh, I'm sorry, guess I got carried away,"

"Don't worry about it, you're always free to give me a hug," He chuckled.

I felt my cheeks turn into the brightest shade of red. Then I asked him, 
"Why were you late? We've literally waited!"

"The doctors kept me in so I was ready to go," Elijah explained. "I can't believe I'm finally free from that placeee!"

"We were worried, you guys should've texted!" I said.

"Obviously our phones were dead. But yeah, sorry," Elijah apologized. "Plus, we wanted to surprise everyone."

"I'm here too," Ethan slightly pushed Elijah to get through and immediately wrapped his arms around Amie's. Amie also glad he was home safe. Then he gave a quick hug towards me and his friends.

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