chapter two

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"no! please! mommy!" nine year old me cried out, watching my very own mother being handled viciously by her very own brother.

there was a gun to her head, tears streaming like rivers down her face as a storm roared outside.

my small body was trembling, full of nothing but the ever-growing terror as i watched my very own uncle take his sister's life only feet in front of me.

there were tears covering my face already, but that didn't stop new ones from pouring out as the man dropped her body on the ground.

there was red covering the walls, the floor, the table as we were both in the dining room.

my father was already lain lifeless on the floor beside me, my weak body too afraid to move as the man before me grinned widely.

this is insane. this isn't happening. not again.

wake up. wake up y/n!

i felt sick to my stomach, about ready to let it all go right there as sobs escaped my lips.

the man stepped closer to me, aiming the weapon right at my forehead. i couldn't move.


with a strong jolt of my body, i was now sitting up in a pool of my own sweat, the covers damp as my chest rose and fell heavily.

i was gasping for air, thanking god for pulling me out of my slumber before i would have to face the next few moments i don't want to ever relive again.

looking around and finally realizing exactly where i was, tears filled my eyes, tempted to pour out and trickle down my face like the rain against the windows.

no. you're strong. you're not the same little girl you were before.

gripping the covers tightly in both hands, i was watching out the window right ahead, trying to let the rain distract me.

there is no greater evil than your own.

it eats you up every chance it gets, it tears you down when you're at your weakest because it knows. it knows everything about you, it has opened every door you have inside, and it has made you do things you're very ashamed of.

the evil in my soul had grown ten times stronger since i had left those very walls that held me prisoner.

and every time i remember anything from my dark and twisted past, it grows another ten times.

i hate my evil.

it makes me think things.. do things. it has made me do way more than i would like to admit. things i'm ashamed of and never want to revisit again.

this hasn't been the first night i've had to tear myself out of my sleep.

this isn't the first nightmare i have experienced.

peeling the covers from my body, they were sticking to me because of my sweat.

sitting in the edge of the mattress i looked over to my alarm clock beside me.

5 am.


why can't it at least take me the whole night to get to that point?

i feel like nowadays i can never get enough sleep.

placing the pads of my feet against the cold wooden floorboards, i lifted myself up off my mattress.

standing, i ran my fingers through my hair, removing it from my face and heading out to the kitchen of my apartment.

my eyes caught sight of the rain outside.

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