chapter three

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it was already monday, currently five in the afternoon as i placed a few books upon the shelf in front of me.

the rain was drizzling down outside, hitting against the big windows of the public library as i had been working at my part time job for a little over an hour now.

of course i had to pick a boring job to accompany my oh so exciting life. the most interaction i got here was when my boss asked me to work the register, but most the customers were always old and grumpy, or just plainly in a bad mood, either because of the weather, or otherwise i wouldn't know because i don't like prying into someone's life. especially if they seem boring.

i honestly just applied for this job to make some money, i never really thought about the other aspects of picking out a job. i guess you could say that when people say to pick a job you will enjoy, you should follow their advice because slowly, your motivation to do anything runs out.

some days i just feel like going up to my boss and telling him i quit, but i always have to look at it in a more realistic aspect. that is, i cannot afford to quit this job.

as i was doing nothing but putting books back in their spots, my mind was of course wandering off onto thoughts about the past events.

to think of it, these past events actually gave some excitement to my life, no matter how strange they are.

i guess i'm just a boring person, but i mean, coming in contact with a possible killer and meeting my favorite idol are two things not everyone can experience, although both encounters were pretty bizarre. of course the running-into-a-possible-murderer would be odd.

but when i met jungkook from "the bullet boys" he just didn't seem all that correct to how i am used to seeing him on screen.

there is no way that is all an act, is it? he can't be a sweet and loving person just for show and then a mysterious, somewhat chilling man in reality, can he?

at least i have all these interesting thoughts going on in my head while at this boring job.

but one thing that bothered me the most was what he had last said to me at that event on saturday.. "be careful out there".

what was he telling me to be careful for? is there something out here that i don't know about myself even after living in this sad city most of my life?

as i made my way down the small step ladder to the floor and headed over to the cart of recently checked in books, the door had opened, the small bell on top of it signaling that we had a customer.

i looked over to see who it was but all i got was the back of a hoodie as they were already most of the way inside.

when i moved around the bookshelves they weren't even in my sights.

well dang, this person moves fast.

brushing it off and not really all that interested in that very moment, i continued what i was doing, that is, until i came to a sudden realization.

that looked an awful lot like that man from the alleyway, the one i would assume was also staring directly at me though my windows.

setting the books i currently hand in my hands down, i moved my way throughout each and every bookshelf, trying to find the man who had just entered the library, about to pass an old woman when i stopped her.

"excuse me ma'am?" i called out, the older lady turning around to look at me as i did so, "have you seen a man in a black hoodie?"

she looked passed me for a second, as if trying to recall if she had, "i don't think so, sorry dear."

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