chapter one

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it is wednesday.

the day smack dab in the middle of the week.

not necessarily my favorite day of the week, but it wasn't my least favorite either. i'm pretty sure we can all agree on either sunday or monday for that one.

having my phone in hand, the music playing through my earbuds wasn't quite enough to drown out the sound of the rain outside as it hit against the cold glass pane windows on the bus.

the weather has been so bad recently, it almost feels as though the rain will never stop, but i'm not one to complain, i love the rain.

my eyes observed the droplets of rain as they collided with the transparent barricade sheltering me against the downpour from the sky.

taking note of how each one made a trail behind it against the glass, almost as if leaving a path for someone to follow, or another droplet of rain to collide with as it had also fallen from the sky.

today wasn't the best of days, in fact, it was probably one of the worst days i've had in months.

if it wasn't for the rain, i wouldn't be merely as calm as i am now.

but also because of the rain, it had halted me and my friend kirsten from going to the concert we were anticipating for the longest.

that was only one of the reasons this day sucked though.

another would be that i have a project missing in one of my classes in university and i asked if i could make it up, but the teacher plain up and simple rejected my request.

now, i just couldn't wait to get home and be all warm and cozy in the comforts of those four walls.

the bus was on one of it's last stops, or so it had to be as i've been on here for about an hour or more whilst anticipating the moment i got off and into my apartment, my stop being the last.

i just couldn't stop recalling the message i got in regards to the cancelation of the concert that my friend and i were supposed to be attending in an hour.

"we apologize on behalf of this troubling news, but the tickets you have purchased to see "the bullet boys" live have been canceled due to the storm incoming. your money will be refunded in about a week. have a good rest of your day."

what bull.


why couldn't they just reschedule the concert for another date? is it that hard to do?

it was frustrating and very much disappointing to both kirsten and i that this had happened.

this is our favorite group we're talking about. our favorite. and now the one chance we get to go see them we can't? this is just ridiculous.

i looked up at the digital sign above the door to exit the bus as it kept on moving down the street. "another twenty minutes until last stop", it read.

i leaned my head back against the seat i sat in, closing my eyes and listening to the rain as it hit against the metal roof and the glass windows of the bus, my music accompanying it.

life is disappointing. it always has been and seems like it always will be.. well at least for me.

the minute something seems to finally be going right, another thing has to come swooping in and push it away as if i have only the devil on my shoulder, keeping away the good things and leaving the bad with me.

life has taught me many things though. one is to never trust anyone, and that includes the people you are closest to.

although that is something i keep in mind, it is still hard not to give some of my trust away to my best friend. i feel like i could tell her the whole world if i had to.

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