Episode 55-Law and justice

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"Many remark justice is blind; pity those in her sway, shocked to discover she is also deaf."

David Mamet
Music played: river flows in you by Yiruma.

Lisa burst into tears when she heard what happened to Kendra and James.

"How could this have happened?" Lisa cried and beat her chest.

She was angry, sad, and heartbroken. She hasn't even gotten over Jeremy and Yomi's death and now this had happened.

" what are we going to do now? Why is this happening to us?" Lisa cried.

"This is all because of the feathers. This is because of them!" Mary said.

Lisa nodded at her and went on to cry over the loss of three people in just a few days. She didn't know why everything was turning against them. She even broke the promise she made to Yomi's dad to keep Jeremy and Yomi safe.

"I have failed!" Lisa lamented. "I have failed everyone." She said.

Mary and Kemisola both exchanged looks as they watch Lisa blaming herself for everything. Kemisola went to her and consoled her but still, Lisa blamed herself for everything.

"Blaming yourself isn't going to solve anything. We have to find a way to get out of this mess." Mary told her.

"But it's my fault. I didn't protect any of you and now this had happened." Lisa refused to believe that it wasn't her fault.

"Will you stop crying and blaming yourself?" Mary shouted at her. "Crying won't save any of them. We have to do something." She told her.

"What do you mean by we have to do something?" Kemisola left Lisa's side and walked to where Mary was. She sat down beside her and asked the same question again. "What do you mean by that?"

Mary sighed briefly and went to explain what she meant. "All I am saying is that we need to do something. We need to help James and the others. "

"Are you crazy?" Kemisola asked her.

"Why are you asking me that?" Mary questioned back.

"It appears you have gone crazy. My brother said we should leave for Mandoe. Those were his last words to us."

"Stop making it looks as if he is dead." Mary pointed out and went on, " look, we don't know where they all are but I am going to get them out. "

"What are you even saying?" Kemisola stood up angrily. "James told us to leave langose. "

"And I am not leaving!" Mary shouted. "I am not a coward who runs away when their friends are in trouble."

"You are breaking his promise. My brother didn't risk his life so that you will make a stupid decision." Kemisola fired back. "If I knew you were going to be so stupid then you should have been the one taken."

Lisa gasped and quickly scold her . "that's is not a good word to say Kemi."

"Let's her say whatever she wants but let me remind you that while you were rotting away in prison for the crime you didn't commit, this team put their life on the line to save you so don't be ungrateful. " Mary voiced out and then turn to face Lisa. "If you are with me then do this, call Elijah and some of the circle community over to langose. There is something we have to do."

"Mary, don't do anything that would risk your life. I warned Kendra now look at what happened after that." Lisa said to her.

"I won't seat here and fold my hands while my friends take the hit for everything. I am going to reveal the truth about the feathers and I am going to do that through Linda."Mary informed them. " if you are with me on this then support me," she said and looked at Kemisola. "And in case you are a coward, fold your arms and watch as I destroy the feathers."

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