Episode 46- Law and justice

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"In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." 

Anatole France

Two days later,

After the press conference held by Daniel and the feathers, words soon spread across the country about Jeremy Akinsola. All those who supported him soon turned their back against him and only a five in hundreds believed him. The government confiscated some of his properties including his mansion. Kendra and the rest of the justice had to move out and found a temporary place to stay.

"I can't believe it all going to end like this, " Kendra commented sadly as soon as they got to Lara's apartment. It was a small apartment but it was big enough to accommodate three people.

"Are we all going to watch as Jeremy's legacy goes down? Are we going to neglect and abandon all he has worked for?" Mary questioned them all.

"They didn't even let us see his body. Which is sad." Lisa cried and wiped the tears off her face with a handkerchief.

"Who owns his properties now?" Kemisola questioned.

"The feathers, " Lara replied.

"What are we going to do? We can't just let Jeremy's plan end like that." Kendra stated.

"I agree with Kendra on this one, " Lara said and stood up from where sat. "We have the proofs Jeremy left behind and if we investigate more on it, we can bring the feathers down." She told them all.

"We can't risk our lives with these people. They are dangerous." James admitted. "Look at what they did to Jeremy. Look at what happened to him."

"Are you giving up because you are a coward?" Kendra scoffed. "I didn't expect such cowardly word to come from you. If you were in similar situations, Jeremy would have done the same for you. Why are you being so selfish?" She questioned angrily and slammed her hand on the glass table in front of her.

"I am not being selfish. I am just telling you that it's hard to fight against this kind of people." James retorted.

"Your point is?" Kemisola glared at her brother as she asked the question.

"My point is that we need to plan very well before facing the feathers. I am going to help you set up a plan. I am not giving up because this is our fight. I don't just want us risking our lives." James told them all. "Yomi and Jeremy were like my brothers and it's so sad that we didn't get to bury them. We are going to avenge their death but first, let's take a break from the feathers life." James said with a promise that he held close to his heart. He wasn't going to allow Jeremy's and Yomi's death to be in vain. He was going to make sure they pay for their sins.

"So, what's next?" Kendra inquired and fold her arms. "I can't wait to crush these stupid feathers or whatever their names are." She said.

"Here is the plan, " James began to tell them all the plan he had set up for the feathers. "I am not a master planner like Jeremy but this would do."

"Your plan is good, " Kemisola commented. "Somehow, Daniel  got his kids out of prison."

"That's is one of our plans," Lara stated and breathe heavily as she thought about Jeremy and Yomi. She knew she missed them, most especially Jeremy.

"Are you alright?" Lisa asked her.

"I'm fine. It's just that I missed them so much, " Lara tried hard not to burst into but she eventually did. "It's so hard to forget them, " she added.

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