Episode 56-Law and justice

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"Fairness is what justice is."

Potter Stewart.

Kendra tried to open her eyes but the light in the room was too bright and she quickly closed her eyes. She opened them again and this time, she was able to adjust to the brightness of the room. She looked around her and there was no sense of familiarity in the room. She jumped up from the bed and regretted her action when she felt unbearable pain in her stomach.

"Ouch!" She groaned out in pain and touched the spot where she was shot. Kendra hissed and lifted her shirt." Damn! " she touched her stomach which was perfectly stitched and plastered.

"Where is this place? What am I doing here?" She asked herself and then looked around for anything suspicious. "How did I get here? Was I kidnapped?" She asked no one in particular. She observed the clothes she was wearing and from how big the round neck shirt was and the pair of men's shorts, Kendra believed she had been kidnapped by a man.

"Was I kidnapped?" She questioned herself again. Kendra slapped her head to remember what happened to her and the only thing she remembered was getting shot and then fainting in front of an oncoming car. "Hello!" She called out to see if anyone would answer her but when she got no reply, she moved around the room searching for a clue on the person who kidnapped her.

Kendra searched the room for clues but saw nothing. The only thing in the room was a king-sized bed, a closet filled with men's clothes, a bathroom, and a desk and chair. There was nothing more to see in the room. Getting tired of searching the room, Kendra opened the door that leads outside the room and walked out of the room. The first thing she saw outside the room was another room opposite it. Kendra looked around and when she saw no movement, she grabbed the doorknob and turned it but the door didn't open. She tried again and gave up when it didn't open. Kendra looked to her right and saw grand stairs.

"I have been kidnapped by a rich man." Kendra gasped but quickly covered her mouth. She looked around for the umpteenth time and then start to walk down the stairs. Every step she took created strange feelings in her body. Kendra felt something bad was about to happen but she chooses to ignore the feelings and continue walking. When Kendra was a few steps to the end of the stairs, she stopped walking when she heard voices.

"I have been kidnapped!" She gasped when she realized what had just happened to her. " I need to leave," she said and took a step back but stopped in her tracks when she heard a familiar voice. The familiarity of the voice made Kendra walked downstairs and when she neared the end, she heard her name been mentioned. 

"Since Kendra is with us then she is probably missing," The familiar voice said. "They might be looking for her right now."

Kendra gasped when she realized whom the voice belongs to. "Yomi," she whispered.

"You are right. They are probably looking for me." Kendra's voice sounded on the stairs. Her footsteps grew closer as she walked down the stairs. When she finally gets to the last steps, Jeremy and Yomi both said her name at the same time.


"Well! Well! Well! The dead comes back to life." Kendra said sarcastically.

"Kendra!" Yomi exclaimed. "You are alive." He said.

"At least I didn't lie about it." She shouted at him.

"Calm down Kendra. You are making a mistake." Jeremy walked to her and tried to touch her but Kendra slapped his hands away.

"I am making a mistake!" Kendra shouted yet again. "Unless you are a ghost and I am hallucinating then I am making a mistake. You guys were alive all this while and you made us believed you were both dead! This is unbelievable." Kendra threw her hands up. " you lied to all of us. You made us believe you died."

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