Episode 17-law and justice 📑

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"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest"

Elie Wiesel

Background music: please don't cry by David fesliyan.

Lara entered Jeremy's firm and met the others waiting for her in the meeting room Jeremy had created.
"Hey guys," she greeted and took a seat beside Yomi who waved at her. "Sorry I'm late, "she apologized.

"No problem Lara. We were just about to start when you entered."Jeremy replied with a smile on his face.

"I heard you were sick. How are you feeling now? Do we need to reschedule this meeting to when you are fine?"Lara suggested but Jeremy raised his hand in protest.

"I'm fine now. Thank you, "he replied and stood up from his seat. "The reason why I called this meeting was because of the shocking news and the injustice that had being going on in this country," Jeremy explained the reason for the meeting and the others listened with rapt attention.

"We can't just sit down and watch as the feathers ruled the country. We have to do something. Although Our previous meeting came to an end because of me and I apologize deeply for that. but, we can't just sit down and watch as people die. The reason why this crew is together is that we planned to bring justice to those who had to be wrong. We haven't done anything at all!"Jeremy's last word came out as a shout and he quickly apologize for shouting.

"I'm sorry for shouting guys, "he apologized and they all nodded in response.

"Thank you, "he said and continued. "We haven't done nothing about all those who had died. Felicia Watson, Linda, Abigail Kennedy, Timothy, and all other victims that had been wronged."

"I promised Linda that I was going to help her get justice and I'll do it even in her death," Mary said with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"So what the next motive. You lead us and we follow. Cause right now, the feathers won't Back from their project."James stated.

"Right attorney. When I saw children in the accident this morning, it broke my heart and I didn't sign up for this. I couldn't protect Katherine and Chloe but I'll do everything to protect those who need protection," Lara promised and placed a hand on her chest.

"Very well then. Here are what's going to happen. Everyone here would be assigned to a task and our success in bringing justice depends on everyone here."Jeremy told them and they all listened with full attention.

"The first thing we'll do is getting James, sister, out of prison, "Jeremy announced.

They all looked shocked at what he just announced. It's not what they were expecting.

"Look.."Lara was the first to speak, she stood up and began her explanation. "I know James wants his sister to come out of prison but, how is getting her out connected to all of this?"Lara asked and waited for Jeremy's answer.

"I know what's you are thinking Lara but this is the way forward. If we want to bring the feathers down, we start from somewhere. James, "Jeremy turned to face James and asked him some questions. "You said Leonard Philip was the judge that sentenced your sister to prison right?" he asked and James nodded in agreement.

"That exactly what we need. I'll reopen the case but first, I need to see your sister, Kemi, and then we'll know What to do next."Jeremy told them but they all gave him a confused stare.

"Listen Jeremy. How are you sure you are gonna win this case? This is Leonard Philips we are talking about here."Mary stated with a doubting tone.

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