Episode 36-law and justice

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"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst."


Music played: Spirit by Beyonce

A deafening slap sounded in the mansion of Daniel Hamilton's mansion. Daniel beckoned to two of his guards and pointed to Andre who was kneeling on the ground.

"Beat him until he bleeds, " he commanded the two guards who bow and do as commanded. "This isn't the first time of you fucking up Andre." Daniel walked to his couch and sat down comfortably while watching as the two guards beat up Andre. "I gave you one instruction. Kill him and get away but you failed again!!!" He yelled and stood up from his couch.

"Do you know how I made it this far?" Daniel throws the question at Andre who was groaning out on the floor as he was receiving kicks and punches all over his body. "Let me tell you a story about how I became great and have this kind of power. I was once like you but everything changes when I wanted more." Daniel said and raised his hand to stop the guards from beating Andre.

"Bring him closer to me, " he commanded and went back to his seat.

The guards bought a bloody Andre whose clothes were soaked with blood and his face swollen from beatings. Blood flows down his left eye as he struggled to open it.

"Listen to my story and I'll decide if I want to kill you or not, " Daniel raised Andre's chin and began his story. " when I was born, my mother abandoned me in an orphanage home. Growing up was hard for me, I grew up without love. No one wanted me because I'm a little boy that's doesn't deserve to be loved."

Daniel scoffed and then continued his story. " I watched the people I grew up with getting adopted by decent families and most of them got adopted by a rich family but I was left alone." Daniel pour himself a vodka drink and took a sip of it. "When I turned eighteen, I got sold off because the Father of the orphanage felt I was too useless and he sold me off to a wealthy man who only used me as a slave. As if that wasn't enough, my master makes sure I did dirty works for him. Dirty works like killing innocent people and drug trafficking." Daniel stopped talking and took another sip from his drink.

"For ten years, I was used and abused by my master. Sometimes he made me sleep outside in the cold rain and he didn't even bother if I catch a cold or not. Most times if I do not deliver the job assigned to me, he burns my back and throws me inside a cold room without food and water for days." Daniel chuckled and shook his head while remembering his past.

"My boss belonged to a group of elites that calls themselves wings. The wings were powerful people in mecianda in the 1900s and my boss was their leader. The wings also used and abused me. I was used sexually by the women in the group and the men abuse me anything I do something wrong. When I turned 30, I couldn't take it anymore. I decided it was my time to break free from everything and so I planned on how to take him down. I mastered his ways and everything about him and when I finally got what I needed, I killed them all. I killed the wings because of what they did to me. Those people didn't deserve to live after everything they made me go through. I didn't become like this because I chose to but you can't predict your future. If you have power and money then you have it all." Daniel finished his talking and moved closer to Andre.

"The reason why I'm keeping you alive is that you are good and I know you won't betray me so I'll let you live but, you'll have to do something for me. " Daniel whispered into his ears.

"Anything sir. I will do anything." Andre bows. " please spare my life, sir, " he begged and cried. "I'll do anything, sir."

"Very well then. Here is what you will do." Daniel whispered some words into his ears. "Do that and gain your life back but if you should fail, then I will kill every of your family members and send their corpses to you." He threatened and push him away. "This is your last chance."

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