Episode 60-Law and justice

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"The dead cannot cry out for justice. The living must do so for them."

Lois McMaster Bujold.
Music played: Change by charlie puth feat James Taylor.

Lara and James got to the hospital at night due to the huge traffic. No one knows the cause of the traffic but they spent hours on the traffic until they finally got to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, they walked to the receptionist and requested Lisa.

"Who are you guys?" The receptionist asked them.

"Family," Lara replied.

The receptionist nodded and stared at them suspiciously. She inspects their clothes and placed her hand on her nose as if they smell of rotten eggs.

Lara and James both exchanged looks then they looked at their clothes. It was looking bad, stained with blood and dirt from the ground. The bandage on Lara's hand had turned brown and it looked like it has a red stain on it. They were too focused on escaping than themselves. They didn't even notice that they looked a mess until now.

"Lisa is in the operating room right now but you can meet her friends in the hallways." She pointed to her left side.

"Alright, thanks," James said and headed towards the direction she pointed alongside Lara.

When they got there, James stopped midway when he saw Kendra and a man speaking with Kemisola and Mary.

"Kendra!" It was Lara who shouted her name.

Four heads turned towards her and the shocks on their faces confirmed they were also surprised to see them.

"Lara!" Kendra shouted back and rushed to meet her. They both ran into each other's arms. "Oh my God, it you., she exclaimed and hugged her again.

" James! " Kemisola and Mary both said at the same time. They rushed to meet him and embraced him.

"Thank goodness you are okay., Kemisola said to him.

"it's good to be back," he said and kissed her forehead.

"How did you guys escaped?" Kendra asked when they finished the reunion.

"We got out somehow but it was James who planned everything," Lara replied hack.

"I hope you both are fine?" Mary asked and Lara nodded at her while James scowled at her. "Is everything okay?" She asked him.

James chooses to ignore her and faced his sister instead. "How is Lisa?"

"They've been in the operating room for hours now. No one is telling us anything." Kemisola replied.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had listened to me," he said and looked at Mary. "I gave you a simple instruction Mary. I told you to leave for Mandoe but you chose to disobey me!" He shouted at her.

"Why are you blaming me for this? I know it's my fault that Lisa is In there but you didn't have to blame me" Mary answered back.
She bit her lips to fight back the tears she was trying to hold but she couldn't as the tears flow freely down her face.

"Don't blame her," Kendra defended her. "None of this is her fault."

"Everything is her fault because she chose her way." He shouted again.

"That's is enough James," Kendra warned him.

"Keep saying that when Lisa is announced dead."

Hearing that Lisa would die got Mary angry. She wiped the tears off her face and rushed to James and gave him a deafening slap. "I agree with it's my fault. Your sister had been rubbing it on my face for hours now. You can blame me for everything but don't you ever mention Lisa dying in front of me." She yelled.

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