Chapter 39- Derek's POV

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After I had explained everything to Beth, she said she forgave me. The only reason I kissed Nina was because I was in the heat of the moment and I wasn't happy with Beth after rehearsal.

"Babe, I promise it will never happen again." I say crawling into bed next to her.

"And I believe that." She said, obviously focused on the movie she was watching.

"Good." I say as I focus my attention on the movie.
"Derek! Derek! Have you see my hairbrush?" Beth yelled frantically running around our hotel room trying to get ready for her YouTube event.

"Babe, it's in the bathroom under the sink." I said laughing, earning a glare from Beth.

"Derek, are you ready?" I heard her ask walking out of the bathroom.

"Yep. Just waiting on you." I said while scrolling through my feed on Instagram.

"Well, I'm all ready." She said stepping into my view. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a strapless mint dress that ended right at her knee. Below the waist, the dress poofed out. Outlining the top of the dress were some beautiful gems. Her high heals were silver with some gems along the side. Her hair was curled perfectly with a small braid wrapping around one side of her head.

"Babe, you look beautiful." I said looking her up and down.

"Why you thank you. You not looking to shabby yourself." She said giggling.

"Oh, your on Mota." I said running up and picking her up off her feet, carrying her bridal style.

"Deeereek! Put me down!" She said giggling.

"Not until I get a kiss." I said. She shook her head.

"You asked for it, Mota." I said carrying her out the door to the elevator. People were staring at us like we had three heads, but I didn't care. As long as I was with the love of my life, nothing else mattered in the world.

"Fineee!" She yelled in defeat. She planted a small kiss on my lips and I out her down. Good thing we were alone in the elevator. As soon as the shiny silver doors opened we headed our way to the event. Beth greeted her YouTube friends and we sat down to get something to eat. Oh how much I love this girl.

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