Chapter 28- Bethany's POV

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As I reach my car in the driveway I think what it will be like seeing Derek today. Yesterday was the big break up. Everyone was texting me and calling me: "Beth I'm so sorry." "You'll get over him" "he's not worth it".

Truth is, he is worth it. I have to stick to my ground though. He hurt me. As I reach the studio I see Derek on the floor looking at his phone. I enter so quietly he didn't hear me. I set my bags on the floor and mumbled a "hey".

He looked up, shocked I was even there. He put his phone away and we met in the middle of the floor.

"Beth, if you could just let me-" I cut him off.

"Derek, not now. Let's focus on dancing." I say looking at the floor.

"Okay.." He mumbles.

As we begin our routine I think about not having Derek in my life. What would happen? Would he find someone else? Would I ever find the perfect guy? I knew that answer. No. Because Derek IS the perfect guy. I had to talk to him.

"Derek, stop," I say as I stop dancing.

"What?" He says confused.

"I can't get this whole situation out of my mind. Let's just talk." I say.

"Okay." He says as we sit on the ground.

"Explain." I say fumbling with my hands.

"Okay, so I was at home working on choreographing the routine when Cheryl called me. She asked me if I could help her rehearse her lines for a movie she was auditioning for. I said yes and went to her house. We were in the middle of a romantic scene which was very awkward for me, considering I love you. All of a sudden she kissed me. I pushed her off right away though. I swear." He explains.

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