Chapter 9- Bethany's POV

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I haven't spoken to Derek in two days. I started to realize I should not be so intimated by Nina. If I want to be with Derek I need to talk to Nina. I didn't have her number so I texted Mark,

-text with Mark-
B- Hey Mark, it's Bethany. Um, do you mind getting ahold of Nina for me? I want to talk to her. Tell her to meet at the Mann Cafe at 7:00 tonight. One more thing, don't tell her I asked you to. Just make up an excuse to get her to go there.
M- I can but, Derek has been calling you nonstop. What's up?
B- Nina threatened me.
M- What?! That bitch!
B- Mark just please tell Nina to meet me. WHATEVER YOU DO DONT TELL DEREK!
M- Fine, bye. But you know he NEEDS you at rehersal tomorrow.
B- I'll be there. Promise.
-end of convo-

It was 6:58 and I was waiting at the Mann Cafe for Nina. She still hadn't shown up. I was ordering a drink when she walked in. She saw me and I waved her over.

"Hello, Bethany." She said in and evil way, while sitting down.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be intimidated by you. I'm going to keep this relationship going with me and Derek. I don't care if you lie to Derek about something I never did. He'll believe me more than you." I said relieved at getting that off my chest.

"Whatever you say, Bethany." And with that she turned on her phone and sent a photoshopped picture of me and Mark kissing.

I put some money on the table and left the Cafe. I got in my car and drove to Derek and Marks apartment. I knocked on the door and Mark answered.

"Hey, Be..." I cut him off by running upstairs to Derek's room. Mark followed me. A single tear rolled down Derek's face.

"Derek, I swear it's not what it looks like." I said trying to convince him it was fake.

"Wait, what's going on here?" Mark asked. Derek threw his phone to Mark and he saw the picture.

"Derek this never happened." Mark reassured him.

"It was Nina." I blurted out.

"What?" Derek looked confused. He gave me the- "What the hell do you mean and explain face."

"When you sent me on the scavenger hunt, Nina showed up and threatened to send you fake pictures of me hooking up with other guys if I didn't stay away from you. She started with sending a fake picture of me and Mark kissing. That's why I never showed up to whatever you had planned at the end of the scavenger hunt and why I never called you." I explained.

"Mark this didn't happen right?" I trust you a lot. So don't lie to me." Derek said.

"Derek, once again, this never happened. Beth likes you, not me." Mark answered.

I smiled at Mark and looked at Derek

"I believe you guys." He said

I hoped onto the bed next to Derek as Mark went back downstairs.

"I'm sorry I didn't call." I said playing with my hands. He lifted my chin up so I faced him.

"Beth, don't apologize, Nina just can't understand that we're over." He replied.

"Derek," I looked down, "what are we?" She asked.

"Well, what do you want us to be." He replied.

"Together." I said blushing.

"Me too." He whispered in my ear.

I turned to face him and smiled. Then I felt his soft lips touch mine. We kissed for about 30 seconds then pulled apart.

"Your amazing." I said to him.
"Your perfect." He replied back.
A/N- Thank you guys so much for 100 reads. I know it's not much to most people but I just started Wattpad so it means a lot. Keep reading the chapters. Also, you guys can comment on chapters giving me ideas on what to do in the next chapter or, suggestions! Bye. 😘

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