Chapter 40- Bethany's POV

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As we finally landed I was super happy to see my DWTS family again. We had just landed from Mexico. It was Sunday and we had dress rehearsal the whole day.

I had snuck up behind Sadie ready to surprise her that I was back.

"Ahh!" She screamed as she turned around to see me.

"Beth!" She literally jumped on top of me.

"Nice to see you too." I said while laughing and hugging her.

"I'm so happy your back! We have to have a girls night tonight! We could go shopping, watch movies, paint nails, go out to eat-" I stopped her.

"Woah there girl, calm down," I said giggling again, this time Sadie joining me.

I ended up greeting the rest of the cast, including: Mark, Witney, Alfonso, Janel, and Val. As I was talking to Val I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Derek.

"Hey babe." I said.

"Hey, we have 10 minutes to get ready to do our dance. Just letting you know." He said smiling.

"Okay, thanks." I said giving him a quick peck on the lips. I turned back around and Val was gone.

"Okay then," I said sighing and walking back to my dressing room.

"Bethany and Derek, your up." I heard the producers yell over the intercom. I got in my position and started the dance. I kept messing up. What? We only had the like 14 hours of rehearsal total.

"Babe, come on." I heard Derek say as we started over. Eventually, I finished the whole dance without messing up. I have Derek a quick high five and headed back to my dressing room to get changed and have some water.
"Beth, how do you like this top on me?" Sadie asked.

"That's so cute!" I said examining her in the mint green sleeveless top. She smiled widely and headed back into the dressing rooms. I was out having my girls night with Sadie, like I had promised her.

I payed for the clothing I had bought and me and Sadie decided to get something to eat. We sat down in the fancy restaurant they had at the shopping mall. I immediately saw someone I didn't want to see.

"U-uh, Sadie can we go somewhere else?" I said staring at none other than Nina. Sadie looked over to were I was liking at rolled her eyes.

"Beth, you can't let her have that power over you. After all, who ended up with Derek?" Sadie said. I smiled thanking her for the advice.

The waiter eventually arrived with our meals and we started eating.

"Hello girls." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up to see Nina.

"Hello," I said immediately getting annoyed. Sadie quickly got defensive as well.

"How's Derek?" She asked.

"He's fine." I said getting defensive like Sadie.

"Well, I think he deserves someone mush better than you. I mean, really?" Nina said scoffing. I clenched my fists in anger, to shocked to say anything. Sadie spoke up for me.

"Well for your information, Nina, Bethany is much better than a pathetic bitch like you. Derek likes kind, genuine people, not bitchy, rude ones." Sadie replied.

"Look who's the bitchy one now." Nina said walking away.

"Thanks Sadie, that's the first time I've ever heard you curse." I sat laughing lightly.

"When it comes to my best friends, I'll do anything," she was silent for a minute, "Just please don't tell my family." She said looking at me with a worried look. I laughed.

"I won't."

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