Chapter 48- Bethany's POV

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This was it. This was my last dance. I wasn't positive, but the energy and people gave it away. I was getting eliminated tonight. As I got on stage to preform my freestyle, my first thought was- leave it all on the dance floor. Make this your best dance, Beth. Make it worthwhile. When the music started, I started to preform, hitting everything with a bang.
I heard all the judges score our freestyle. I jumped right into Derek's arms, as giddy as a school boy.
I just hope this isn't the end.
As all the other couples lined up on stage for elimination, I got super nervous. I mean, I hope this isn't the end, but I have a feeling it is.

"On this 11th week of competition, the couple going home right now is.....Bethany and Derek." I heard Tom announce. My heart immediately dropped as we walked down to Tom and Erin.

"Bethany, tell us what it's been like being on this show, what has it done for you?" Tom asked.

"Being on the show has been the most amazing experience. I never thought I would make it this far. I've learned so much, not just dancing, but life lessons as well. I've made an amazing group of friends that I hope we'll all keep in touch. But most importantly, I couldn't have asked for a better partner. Derek has taught me so much and I will leave with amazing life lessons and memories." I say as a single tear streams down my face.

"Alright, why don't you two head to the stage to give a well deserved bow." Tom says as we head to the middle of the stage.

As soon as we finish everyone rushes down to the stage to hug us.
I sit in my dressing room, reflecting on all the memories I've made. From, Derek asking me out to getting our first perfect score to making an amazing DWTS family. I hear a knock on my door and stand up to open it.

Derek walks in and sits down next to me on the couch.

"I'm so proud of you, baby." He whispers into my ear.

"This has been an amazing journey." I say back.

"Let's put that elimination behind us." He says sitting up straight. I stand up and get us some sodas from the mini fridge.

"To new beginnings," I say as we klink bottles.

The end
I guess this is it. I just wanted to thank all the support and amazing feedback I've gotten throughout this story. It has been a pleasure writing for you guys. Not to fear, I'm going to soon be starting a new story and some prompts. We ended on a great not with 8k reads! Thank you guys so much. I cannot express how happy and sad I am. You guys are amazing and I hope we can keep this little Wattpad family going.


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