Chapter 23- Bethany's POV

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I was in my room finishing up my make-up when I got a text from Sadie.

Sadie- Hey Beth, I'll be at your house in 10 to pick you up. Are you ready to be scared?

Beth- Hey, sounds good and totally! I love haunted houses.

Tonight, me and the cast were going to a haunted house. I was super excited.

As I was checking my Instagram I heard my door bell. Must be Sadie. As I opened it I saw someone I wasn't expecting. Val.

"Hey Beth, listen I have to tell you something." Says Val pacing around.

"What?" I ask him getting worried.

"I really like you. I think I'm falling for you." He says while biting his lip.

"Val.., you know I'm taken." I say back.

"I know." He says walking closer to me. "But I have to do this." He whispers so close that I can feel his breath on my face.

"Val!" I say as he leans in. I start to back up but run into a wall.

I soon feel his lips touch mine. I push him off immediately.

"Val!" I say very angry.

"Beth-" he tries to explain but I cut him off.

"Save it! Get out of my hotel!" I scream.

As I turn to the door, I see Sadie standing against the doorframe.

"Val," she points to the door, "go." Sadie says.
Sadie was comforting me as warn tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Should I tell him? What if he breaks up with me?" I rant to Sadie.

"Beth, I'm sure he'll understand." Sadie says rubbing my back.

"Understand what?" I hear a familiar voice say. I look up to see Derek standing at the door.
"Then, he k-kissed me. But I pushed him off immediately."I explain to Derek looking straight into his eyes. He nods his head.

"Der, please say something." I plead to him.

"I'm not mad." He says turning to face me. I sighed relief.

"I could never be mad at you." He says.

"But I am mad at Val." He says.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we have to get going." Sadie chimes in.

"Right," I say looking down at my feet.

Derek soon lifts my chin up and kisses me passionately.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you more." I say back grinning.

"I love you most." He says back smirking while intertwining my hand with his. Damn he's good.

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