Chapter 3- Dereks POV

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Today marked a new season of Dancing with the Stars. I knew I had to go meet my partner today, so I started getting ready. I picked a white muscle tank with black skinny jeans and black converse. I did my hair and walked down the steps. I ate some eggs my mom had made earlier in the morning. I packed my usual dance bag and grabbed my phone.

"Bye mom!" I shouted as I left the house.

Bethany's POV-

I got to the studio a little early, so I decided to make a video for my motavators.

"Hey guys! Beth here. I just wanted to announce to you guys that I'm going to be on Dancing with the Stars!" I said into the camera.

"I don't know who my partner is yet. I was hoping for Val, cause he's kinda cute. Mark would be pretty awesome, too. But, I'd have to say my ultimate choice is Derek because I feel I can learn a lot from him." I gushed to my viewers. "I guess we'll have to wait and see!"

Suddenly, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see indeed." The mystery person said mimicking me.

I turned around to see none other than Derek Hough.

"It's Derek!" I said as I got up from my chair and hugged him.

"So, you're like a youtube sensation, right?" He asked starting a conversation.

"Yup. I just reached 7 million subscribers. I also have my own clothing line at Aeropostale." I replied back grinning from ear to ear.

He's looked at me with a shocked face. "Wow, that's amazing!" He finally managed to say.

"So, do you wanna get started?" He's asked me awkwardly. "Yeah, sure." I replied back. First, he showed me how to fix my posture. Then, he taught me the basics of dancing.

After we were finished he spoke up,
"So, our first dance is the Jive. We are dancing to 'Shake It Off' by Taylor Swift." Derek explained to me.

"YAY!" I replied a little to enthusiastic. "I love that song." I also managed to say. "Woah, slow down there Bethers, it's only week 1 and your all ready a little to enthusiastic for my liking, especially at this time in the morning." Derek said while laughing.

I blushed at the nickname Derek came up with for me already.

"Sorry.." I said lightly. Just for a moment Derek met his eyes with mine.

"Your beautiful B," he said to me.

I was blushing like crazy but I managed to get out a thank you. I never really noticed how attractive Derek was. No, Bethany snap out of it. He's just your dance partner.

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