Chapter 46- Derek's POV

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After all the chaos with Nina, I thought be nice to just have a movie night with Beth. After rehearsal, I rushed home and got a bunch of movies, pillows, blankets, and snacks. I set everything up on my bed and texted Beth.

D- Hey Beth, movie night at my place?
A few minutes later...
B- Sure! I'll be over in 10.

Once Beth got here, we snuggled up in bed and watched Mean Girls, Beth's favorite movie. It was kinda ironic because Jonathan Bennet was on our season, and he's from Mean Girls.

Before I know it, Beth has fallen asleep in my arms. I quietly and carefully remove my arms and get up off the bed. I place the blanket over her. I then turn off the movie and pick up all the empty candy boxes. As I head downstairs and here Mark on the phone, aggravated.

"What do you mean he kissed you?" I heard him say.

"Witney! How could you just let him do that?"

"Ugh, I can't deal with this right now. It's midnight. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He hang up the phone and turned to me standing behind him.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Sasha kissed Witney, and she let him." Mark said, sighing.

"Hey, don't sweat it. Beth and I have been down so many bad roads. But we always end up back in each others arms." I say calming him down.

"Thanks man." I say pulling me in for one of those bro hugs.

"You know, your not so bad after all Hough." He says as I smile.

"You too, Ballas."

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