Chapter 42- Bethany's POV

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I nervously paced around my apartment. What would his family think of me? Would they think our relationship was inappropriate? Was I to young? My thoughts were put on hold by the sound of my doorbell. I was about to meet Derek's family. Nervous was an understatement. I walked to the door, about to meet my boyfriends family.

"Hey D," I said giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey," he said back opening the car door for me. I smiled at him and got in. He was such a gentlemen. As we drove to his house, I started biting my lip. Derek obviously noticed, his next words indicating it.

"Beth, what's the matter?" He asked, gazing back in forth from me and the road.

"I'm nervous, Der. I've only never met Julianne. What if they don't like me?" I say, rambling.

"Babe, they will love you. Trust me." He says fixing his gaze back on the road.


"Thank you!" I say smiling at Derek's mothers comment. The dinner was going great so far. Everyone seemed to like me. I was listening to Derek's sister talk about her trip to Italy when Derek reached over and whispered something in my ear.

"I told you they'd love you." I smiled at him and continued listening to Derek's sister, Sharee.
"Let me help you with that." I say as I offer to help Derek's mom clean up after dinner.

"No, no. Your the guest." She says.

"I insist." I say protesting. She gives in and smiles at me.

I walk to the sink and begin to wash the dishes when I fell someone tug and my leg.

"Auntie Beth! Come play outside with us!" It was Derek's niece, Paris. She was about 4 years old, and adorable. I looked down at her.

"I'll be out in a minute sweetheart. Let me finish washing the dishes." I say.

"Okay!" She says running off to play with the other kids.

"Auntie Beth?" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around to see Derek. I smile and kiss him on the cheek.

"I can take it from here." I hear Derek's mom say.

"Okay," I say stepping into the empty living room with Derek.

"I could get used to them saying Auntie Beth." Derek says, smiling.

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