Chapter 30- Derek's POV

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I felt super bad for dropping Beth in rehearsal. I decided to make up for it with a date night. As we finished rehearsal, I told Beth to come back to my apartment for a while. I looked at my precious Beth, she was obviously still hurting but covered it up with a smile. Oh, how much I love her.
As we reached my apartment, I told Beth I had a surprise for her in my bedroom. I had bought her a brand new outfit for our surprise date night tonight. As she walked up the steps I heard her squeal with excitement as she saw the outfit. About 20 minutes later, she came down with the outfit on, make-up and hair done.

"Babe you look stunning," I said as I looked her up and down.

"You don't look to shabby yourself." She said as she giggled. I had changed into a black and gray suit.

I took her hand and led her to the car.
She gave me a look of confusion.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see." I said smirking. She playfully hit me.

"Derek! You know I hate when you won't tell me something." She said pouting. I laughed.

"To bad," I said as I grinned. She sighed as she sat back in the seat and looked at her phone.
As I led her into the restaurant, she was stunned by the inside.

"Babe, this is amazing!" She said with a look of amazement in her eyes.

As we ate we talked about Dancing With the Stars, family, and our future.
We eventually finished and I took her back to my apartment. I gave her a passionate kiss and things got heated. I laid her on the couch and she broke the kiss.

"You okay babe? Was that to uncomfortable?" I asked her.

"Um, I'm just not ready yet." She said looking down.

"Beth, babe, I respect your decision 100%. I'm going to wait. I don't care how long it takes. Your worth it. Don't think I'm pressuring you to do something your ready for." I say looking at her sympathetically as we sit up.

"And I love you for that." She says as she lays her head on my chest and slowly falls asleep.

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