19. Torture

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A little NSFW at the end


As you and Kakashi walked out of your front door, you saw Shikamaru walking back to his house.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, stopping dead in his tracks.


He back tracked, walking back toward you and Kakashi. "My dad told me to go check on you. Said it sounded like you were being murdered or something."

He looked from you to Kakashi to your intertwined hands before saying, "Nevermind. Just forget I said anything." You noticed the tinge of pink on his cheeks and laughed.

"What, you're not going to call it a drag?" You giggled, poking his chest playfully with your free hand. Kakashi's grip on your other hand tightened.

"You think I say that about everything? Ugh, what a drag." He rolled his eyes, walking back to his house.

When he was finally out of earshot you asked Kakashi if there was a problem.

"Problem? No problem here." He said through gritted teeth, his grip on your hand decreasing.

You weren't in the mood for arguing so all you said was, "Okay, let's go." And squeezed his hand back equally as hard.

Kakashi let go of your hand as soon as the two of you got near the training grounds. You felt your lips turn into a frown as the warmth of his hand left yours. Neither of you said a word to each other when you reached your team.

So we're just going to pretend nothing happened, huh?

"Sensei, (y/n), there you are! We've been waiting for you two for just about two hours!" Sakura stomped her foot.

Sasuke raised a suspicious brow at you, his look saying, tell me later.

To your surprise, Jiraiya was also there. He was sitting under Kakashi's usual tree, writing in his notebook. With a wide grin, and prying eyes, he looked up at you and gave you a small head nod. From the look of it, you knew that he knew everything you had just been up to.

"Well," Kakashi began sheepishly. "(Y/n) and I–"

"Don't give one of your lame excuses," Naruto screamed, rolling his eyes. "We saw a black cat, lost on the path of life, an old lady needed help. WHAT WAS THE REASON, BITCH?" He clapped his syllables.

Sakura also looked keen on knowing.
Sasuke and Jiraiya already knew of course.

"(Y/n), and I are are a couple. We're dating," he added after a few seconds of no reaction. He put an arm around your waist, pulling you closer.

"Oh, that was a secret?" Sakura giggled.

"Yeah, we've known for so long," Naruto laughed.

You were shocked that they had known all along. Or had Sasuke told them?

You looked over at him, but he also looked surprised.

"Y-you knew?" Kakashi asked, scratching the back of his head nervously. "For how long?"

Sakura tapped her finger to her chin, deep in thought. "I don't know? Since during the mission?"

Had it really been that clear? The two of you weren't even officially dating at that time.

"Yeah, Sakura told me not to say anything about it," Naruto giggled. "I can't believe I've kept a secret this long!"

"Yeah, especially from me." Sasuke frowned.

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