1. Safe Inside

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Safe Inside

"(Y/n), get up." You heard Sasuke's emotionless voice call out. Sharp pains spread in your abdomen. Did he just kick you?

You sat up and realized you were outside under a tree on the training grounds. But why? It was starting to get dark, the sun was setting.

"Sasuke, what the hell?!" You threw a kunai knife at him, which he deflected with a knife of his own. "What was that for?" You asked, getting up.

"I wouldn't have had to kick you multiple times if you knew how to get up the first time." He mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"And you're kicking me why, exactly?" Anger arose in your voice.

"We're meeting in the Hokage's office," He said it like it like you should've known.

"Okay, one second." You yawned and stretched multiple times. "Alright, I'm good, let's go."

Once you two began to walk to the Third's office, the question burned in your mind. "Why was I under that tree?"

"You said you were gonna do push ups and then fell asleep. Sensei said you looked really tired so he just let you," He explained.

A little smile formed on your face. How nice of him. He usually made you all work well past your limits, but he must've been feeling good today.

After his explanation, you could feel dull pains in your arms, probably because of the way you had been laying on the ground. "Why are we going to the Hokage?"

"You're asking too many questions." He said in his deep voice.

You were annoyed that he was annoyed, annoying you further.

You two arrived at the Hokage's office and walked in. Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi-Sensei stood in front of the Hokage's desk with their backs turned toward you.

"Sorry, we're late, (y/n) and I got lost on the path of life," Sasuke gave one of Kakashi-Sensei's most used excuses, causing you to fight a smile.

Your sensei noticed that that was what he usually said and also smiled while rolling his eyes. "Alright, now, listen to Lord Hokage."

Sensei is kind of cute when he smiles, even if I can't see it, you thought to yourself with a smile. You felt yourself blush and instantly looked away when he caught you staring.

"It was nice of you to join us, (Y/n)-chan, Sasuke-kun," The Hokage smiled, but you could tell there was a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Now, as I was saying, I want to give Team Seven a C-rank mission."


"Naruto! Shut up!" Sakura hit him over the head.

"Both of you shut up. You're so annoying." Sasuke mumbled. And you had to agree with him. They could be pretty annoying sometimes. But everyone had those days.

"Hm, tired of C ranks? How about an A-rank then?" The hokage asked, looking through more papers.

"What's the mission?" Your sensei asked.

"Rescuing a princess from The Land of Silence back to her home, The Hidden Cloud Village." The Hokage explained, handing Kakashi a picture of her. She was a beautiful girl with long red hair, and piercing green eyes. She had a few freckles on her cheeks and nose, and a beauty spot under her right eye.

"SWEET!" Naruto pumped his fist in the air.

"That's not 'sweet', Naruto, she was kidnapped!" Sakura whisper-screamed as she elbowed him in his side.

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