13. Tell the Truth

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Tell the Truth

As the chūnin exams got closer and closer, your team spent most of your time training. With a week left before the exams, you spent every minute on the training grounds from dawn til dark. You were so exhausted, but cheap ramen, and sheer willpower kept you going.

Oftentimes your days started with training, and ended with Kakashi walking you to your door with a kiss on your forehead. The two of you were taking things slowly, and you liked it better that way. Him taking to to dinner, the soft kisses, and hanging out was just fine with you. You just wished it didn't have to be a secret.

One day as you were training, Asuma and his team came by asking if they could train with yours. Kakashi agreed, said it was no big deal.

And it wasn't, if Ino weren't there. The two of you used to be friends before your parents died, but things had changed. It was no longer You and Ino, with Sasuke being merely an acquaintance from the academy, it was You and Sasuke now, with Ino somewhere else, gone from the picture.

You mentally breathed a sigh of relief as you saw her go to train with Sakura instead. You didn't need the distraction anyway. You had even told your teammates to leave you be so could focus.

"Finely and sharply," you heard a deep voice say from behind you.

"Huh? Asuma?" You turned around to see the giant Sarutobi smoking a cigarette. He was looking at your hands, your weapons more specifically.

"Remember what I told you? You want to imagine your chakra slicing the blade-"

"Finely and sharply. I remember." you smiled.


You continued to practice using chakra infused weapons with the help of Asuma, until Kakashi came.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked, filling the space between you and Asuma.

"Oh, hey, Sensei. Asuma was giving me some tips."

Kakashi, who was clearly unimpressed, looked over at Asuma. "Oh is that so?"

Asuma let out a deep chuckle. "Yeah, I don't mean to brag, but I kinda taught her everything she knows with chakra weapons."

"Really? When'd you two find time for that?" You could tell Kakashi was getting upset.

"A few times. Mostly when she was at my house," Asuma scratched his head, trying to remember.

Before Kakashi had time to speak, you explained Asuma's vague answer. "I-I stayed with the Sarutobis after my parents died, and he helped train me sometimes."

You saw Kakashi's shoulders relax. "Oh, I'm sorry, (y/n)."

"It's fine." You gave a small smile.

Asuma, attempting to change the now depressing subject said, "Yeah, I'm impressed at what seven year old you could learn. Look at you now." He nodded at the rock you had just destroyed with your weapon.

"Very impressed." Kakashi gave a closed eye smile as he ruffled your hair. "I suppose I'll let you get back to work."


After your countless hours of training, Kakashi insisted on taking you to dinner, but you had other ideas.

"Come over and I can cook for you," you suggested with a shrug.


"Mhmm, I'm a good cook, I promise."

"You're not gonna try and poison me or anything, are you?" Kakashi asked with a playful laugh.

Kakashi Sensei is the Jealous Type (REUPLOAD)Where stories live. Discover now