10. In Exchange...

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Can someone please tell me what yandere is exactly, and why people like it so much?

This question is old was answered a long time ago but i like when u guys tell me stuff like im old 😌

In Exchange...

Two weeks had passed since Team 7 returned to the Hidden Leaf. You, for one, were glad to be back home without any impending responsibilities. That mission was too long, and too excruciatingly boring to bear. So coming back to Konoha was a big relief.

You didn't have training today, but you didn't have time to lay around your house all day. You had errands to run, people to talk to, things to do. There was no time to waste being unproductive.

So after pulling yourself out of bed, getting dressed, and eating breakfast, you were out the door and on your way to the Hokage's office.

When you made it there, you were about to knock on his door when you heard something clatter on the ground inside. The distinct sound of a chair's legs scraping the floor and then the chair–or any other heavy object– being thrown to the ground, made its way to your ears.

"I swear to God you're turning senile, old man," a deep voice said on the other side.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. Please sit down and we'll discuss it," The Hokage's voice was gentle.

You pressed your ear to the door to listen to the argument at hand. It sounded to you that some guy was upset with the Hokage about not being to go on a mission, but the Hokage didn't care. Whoever was in there with the Third, was taking some choice words out on him.

The angry voice was getting closer to the door, giving you only a second to jump back when the door opened.

"Stupid man..." The deep voice mumbled.

You looked up to see Asuma-Sensei lighting a cigarette. He looked stressed and like he hadn't slept in a few days.

"Asuma?" You asked, taking a step back. The dude was like 6'5", holy crap.

"Oh, hey, (y/n), what's going on?" He laughed, letting a smoke pour out of his mouth.

You fanned it away from your eyes because it was starting to sting.

"Not much. I actually need to speak with your father," you said.

The Sarutobi let out an awkward laugh. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long," you lied.

"Hmm." He took another drag of his cigarette. "Well I have to go. It was good seeing you though, don't be a stranger."

"Bye, I won't," You waved to him as you walked into the Third's office.

"(L/n)." The Hokage stated calmly from behind his desk.

"Sorry to come without an appointment, My Lord." You bowed your head solemnly.

"That's quite all right, (y/n). Please sit." He nodded his head toward the chair Asuma had presumably thrown. You sat it upright and sat in it.

"What did you come to talk about, (y/n)?" The Hokage took a drag from his pipe.

"Well," you chuckled, sheepishly scratching your neck. "Money."

"Money?" He repeated. "What of it?"

"I need some. Like from an extra job or something."

"Hmm." He inhaled from his pipe. "I know of a few paying positions." He dug around in his desk drawer before he pulled out a fat stack of papers. The Third Hokage read through a few of them before filling you in.

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