Chapter 19: The Winter Shogun

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(A/n): Fellas, we are getting ever so close to finishing this book, what do you guys think I should work on next? I feel like wanting to write a prequel to this but I'm probably going to be too lazy to do it.

Also word of warning, I'm going to make a lot of stuff up in this chapter.

Where we left off

The Winter Shogun was currently bearing down at the party. His glare sharp as the swords Darkness and Kazuma are currently wielding in front of them, preparing for the worse to happen, which it always does.

Darkness: Th-The Winter Shogun! One of the specially designated monsters the country has placed a huge bounty on!

Y/n: Can't we catch a break?

Kazuma: HUH!?!

He looked over to her with a gobsmacked expression.

Darkness: I'm sure this monster plans to use his position as shogun to have his way with me. I'll resist him but he'll likely be beyond my capabilities, and I'll be ashamed...

Her face was tinged with pink as she started panting.

Kazuma: You idiot! Everything in this good for nothing world, the people, the food, and all the monsters, are all absolutely idiotic!

Meanwhile, the winter shogun was beginning to unsheathe his weapon. Kazuma and Aqua had faces of pure fear. Something they didn't notice was that the winter shogun had been looking at Y/n, who was swarmed by the little snow sprites that seemed to like him a lot.

The winter shogun charged and at a particular masochist, he swings.


He slices her sword in half, the top part dropping onto the snow beside them.

Darkness: M-My sword!

The winter shogun silently stared, quietly daring them to challenge him.

Y/n: Woah, he chopped Darkness's sword. It didn't even last a whole season-- wha-hey!

One of the snow sprites decided to mess with him and used it's body to pull Y/n's hood over his face.

Y/n: Hey stop that, you naughty naughty's you're teasing me.

Kazuma: Y/n, I know you're used to this and all, but could you at least pretend we're in danger!? And stop playing with those things!

Y/n: I'm not, they're playing with me.

Kazuma was really freaking out, huh?

Aqua: Kazuma! Snow sprites pick up on the subconscious thoughts of the people they encounter and take their form. But the only ones strolling outside of town in winter are mostly just the cheaters who came here from Japan.

She explained.

Kazuma: So this guy was brought to life by some idiot who came here from Japan, associated winter with thoughts of the winter shogun? What a pain in my ass!

Y/n: Want me to give you a checkup?

Kazuma gave him a glare but he quickly turned his attention to the girl laying flat on the snow.

Kazuma: When all of this is over, I'm kicking the shit out of this girl who's playing dead the whole time.


Aqua: Kazuma!

Opening her Jars that contained the sprites, Aqua raised her hands up to set them free as a gesture of respect.

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