A/n: Am I to believe that out of 20k people reading my story, only 150+ followed? Bruh come ON. It's a good deal, I swear on my pristine, limited-edition Ryuko bunny girl statue figure that I'll follow you back.
(I don't actually have a Ryuko figurine.)
Also, here's some Konosuba X Re: Zero fan art.
_________________________________Night Time
A tired Y/n lays on his bed, sighing and staring at the ceiling of his very own king like bedroom. His bags of currency hidden underneath the frames.
Y/n: *Phew* Finally, counting all that eris took it out of me.
He stretches and turns to his side.
Y/n: This room is really shabby, but maybe I could fix it up in time. Eventually I'm going to have to leave all this when I hop to another dimension again.
He pondered silently to himself for a whole minute.
Y/n: *sigh* I'll just have to keep furniture to a minimum then.
Deeply sighing to himself, Y/n wondered when all this would end and he could go home to his family again. He also silently wondered if his parents ever noticed his absence. Maybe if he returned, it'll be like he never disappeared in the first place.
Y/n: Wait, then how would I explain how I got so old? Meh, I'll cross that road when it happens.
Suddenly, a loud shriek pierced through the endearing silence. It sounded a lot like Aqua. Which wouldn't be surprising.
Y/n: What the...?
Y/n immediately rushes to her room and opens the door to check on her, though Kazuma got there before he could. The two find her kneeling on the floor, crying about something.
Kazuma: Hey, what's wrong Aqua?! What happened?
Y/n: Yeah, we heard one of those cliche horror screams and came as quickly as we could.
She slowly turned around as she held a wine bottle that seemed empty. She was screamin and crying over a drink of wine apparently.
Aqua: Y/n...K-Kazuma!
Kazuma: Oi.
Y/n: Are you--
The two boys both mentally facepalmed at the divine alcoholic.
Aqua: This was super expensive alcohol I've been saving. I was looking forward to taking leisurely sips of it after my bath...
She collapses dramatically onto the flat of the floor and starts crying again.
Aqua: But as you can see, when I came back it was completely emptyyy!!
Not really caring, Kazuma opens the door and was halfway towards leaving, Y/n also wasn't in the mood for her shenanigans.
Kazuma: I see. Well, good night then. See ya tomorrow.
Y/n: Aqua, you sure you didn't just drink it and forgot you did?
Aqua: *stands up* No! This is the work of an evil spirit!
Y/n: I think I've heard someone say that before...I think I remember a dude with a weird hat saying that...probably...
Aqua: Grr, I shall scour the entire mansion and eradicate any evil spirit that I find!!
Shouting all the way, she runs past Y/n and Kazuma and into the hallway with her hands in the air.
Aqua: Show yourselvesss!!
As she left, Kazuma bellowed a deep yawn signifying that he's considerably sleepy, he pats Y/n on the shoulder.

Powerful and Exhausted (Opmale reader x Konosuba)
FanfictionMeet Y/n L/n! he's a dimension hopping hero who has saved countless worlds, beat the villain, yadda yadda yadda. we've heard this story tons of times right?, but what you probably maybe didn't know is that Y/n. Is. Tired. He just wants to go home an...