(A/n): Dude, rereading "prologue" gave me anxiety, I kinda just winged it and called it done lol.
And also, make sure to keep your social distance people ;)
______________________________________Where we last left off
???: Day after day, after day, after day!
???: Who's the screw loose imbecile who keeps firing explosion magic at my castle!?
He angrily questioned the gathered adventurers, perfectly posing once again while thunder struck.
Adventurer #1: Explosion magic?
Adventurer #2: Who here can use explosion magic?
Adventurer: #4: Wait why's our names Adventurer one, Adventurer tw--?
Adventure #3: Well, if we're talking explosion magic...
They all slowly turned to stare at Kazuma's party and at Megumin in particular. She noticed she was being glared at and shamefully looks away.
Surprisingly, they also glared at another girl, she had red hair and also owned an impressive looking staff. And very much innocent.
???: Huh? M-Me?! Why's everyone looking at me? I can't use explosion magic! And um, I'm still a novice.
???: Uh, I really didn't do anything!
While the poor girl defended herself, Kazuma and Y/n scowled at Megumin who was shaking on the spot.
Kazuma facepalmed and Y/n looked to the side with this kind of expression: (¬_¬)
???: I don't want to die yet! I have little brothers to take care of!
Hearing that last part, Megumin stopped her trembling and steeled herself as she walked forward.
Darkness: Megumin?
Silently, Megumin slowly approaches the headless one without fear or maybe she was just thinking of a chuunibyou like line that she thinks will make her look cool.
???: So it was you?
He raised an arm at her, feeling ticked off that he finally found the culprit as his horse somehow felt the same way and stamped it's hoof.
???: You're the imbecile who fired explosion magic at my castle day after day?!?
He pointed a finger at her.
???: If you're picking a fight with awareness that I'm a leader in the Demon King's army, then come attack my castle fair and square!
???: If you don't have the nerve, then stay in your stupid city and tremble in fear!
???: Hey, tell me, why the cheap harrassment?! Just because we left the city alone since there's nothing but weaklings here--
....Kazuma: -_-
Y/n: How long is this guy going to rant?
Y/n: Wait, this guy's description sounds familiar...didn't Wiz...?
???: --don't get cocky and make my castle go boom, boom, boom, boom every. single. day!
He angrily swings his own head around in a frustrated gesture and points at Megumin.
???: Are you crazy, you wench!?
Nervously sweating, Megumin does her little intro, stating her name and whatnot, but it only angers the guy more.
???: What's Megumin supposed to be?

Powerful and Exhausted (Opmale reader x Konosuba)
FanficMeet Y/n L/n! he's a dimension hopping hero who has saved countless worlds, beat the villain, yadda yadda yadda. we've heard this story tons of times right?, but what you probably maybe didn't know is that Y/n. Is. Tired. He just wants to go home an...