A/n: Wowee, what a week. I bet you guys also had a rough time with exams, I for one had a decent week. Exams were pretty quick and easy, I think.
A warning, this is a chapter filled with lots of sexual content so if you are somehow disturbed by stuff like that (are you even human?) then skip this chapter. Also, how's the angle of the chapter cover eh?
It was a quiet night compared to their first, Megumin and Darkness were playing chess, Megumin striking a pose every time she made a move. Kazuma was laying on the couch, staring absentmindedly into the fireplace.
Kazuma: Hnnmmm...
A sort of screech comes out of Megumin's mouth as her opponent makes a smart move and takes out one of her peices.
Megumin: Darkness! That's no fair!
Her facial expression changes and she gets serious.
Megumin: All right then...very well, very well...
Kazuma: *More intense staring and derping*
Quiet footsteps from behind Kazuma was heard as Aqua makes her presence known.
Aqua: Hey, Kazuma. Relinquish that spot to me, the exalted Aqua-sama.
Kazuma: Huh?
He looks up to her in boredom.
Aqua: *shows her adventurer's card* I'm level 21, the highest level in the party.
She looks down on him with a smug look that anyone would have felt compelled to slap off of her as soon as they saw it.
Aqua: You're being awfully ill mannered for an under leveled lowbie. That's short for low-leveled newbie, if you didn't get it.
Her tone and attitude was slightly starting to annoy Kazuma but he kept his cool, somehow.
Aqua: If you understand that, bequeath the spot of the nearest fireplace to your superior.
Okay, that was enough. He's gonna set her straight right now.
Kazuma: First of all, you're not the one with the highest level in the party, that title belongs to Y/n. He's level 32 now.
Aqua: What? When did he--?
Kazuma: And second, you're not my superior. I'm the one who mostly comes up with battle strategies. Also, don't forget that you still owe both me and Y/n.
Aqua: W-Well that's true, but he's not here right now so I'm currently the highest leveled adventurer in this mansion!
Kazuma: You do know why he's not here right now, right?
Aqua: ...No?
Kazuma: He still feels guilty so now he's working to repay Wiz for that cemetery incident that happened last time which YOU caused.
Guilt ridden and slightly ashamed, Aqua failed to meet his eyes and played with her fingers. Rolling his eyes, Kazuma gets up from the sofa and gestures for her to take his spot.
Kazuma: Ah whatever, here, your favorite spot oh exalted Aqua-sama.
His sarcasm stung Aqua, she didn't really mean for Y/n to take on those feelings.
Megumin: Mwahaha! Looks like my only choice now is to whip out my deadly teleport.
She said whilst waving around a bunch of chess peices, some her own and some that were from Darkness's side.

Powerful and Exhausted (Opmale reader x Konosuba)
FanfictionMeet Y/n L/n! he's a dimension hopping hero who has saved countless worlds, beat the villain, yadda yadda yadda. we've heard this story tons of times right?, but what you probably maybe didn't know is that Y/n. Is. Tired. He just wants to go home an...