・˚:⋆* Tiffany Valentine・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

I put in the dolls final stitches as Tiffany scurried across the trailer looking for sea salt.

The doll looked like it'd been tortured and battered in the worst ways, with its hair knotted in uneven patches and it's face split in a few pieces and stuck together with staples and thread..and the Good Guy overalls were obviously sewn back together.

"He's a beauty," I told Tiffany as she sat back at my side with the salt. The candles were already positioned and lit, now all we had to do was finish the setup by making a pentagram in the middle.

"He sure is," she smiled, her eyes glistening beyond each of the flames. "How do I look, hm, Y/n?" She asked, using a thumb to wipe away some of her bright pink lipstick, "I want to look my best for Chucky."

My eyes glazed her features evidently, from the arches of her eyebrows to her breasts and how the dress looked on her body. "You look great- as always," I smiled gently. "Thanks, Y/n," She laughed, opening the container of salt and starting to pour it around in a circle.

I grabbed the Voodoo for Dummies book from the floor beside us and began senselessly flipping through the pages until I landed on the one we needed. "Do you think it'll work?" I asked, looking up at her as she crossed the circle with the salt and finished the pentagram with the last of the star.

"Well, there's only one way to find out."

The excitement could be heard in Tiffany's voice as she spoke. She perkily grabbed one of the candles and hovered her arm over the pentagram. "Would you like to do the honors?" She smirked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Of course," I smiled, taking the doll from where it sat in my lap and placing it in the middle of the star.

"Now," Tiffany said as she grabbed my hand. Her eyes scanned the page in the book, and she took a deep breath.

"Ade due Damballa." I spoke the chant with her as she hastily waved around the candle. "Give me the power, I beg of you!"

Above us, thunder randomly rolled in and flashes of lighting lit up the room through the windows. "Ade Due Damballa.."

More senseless rambling came after that, until we finished by shouting "Awake!"

We exchanged a quick glance and then looked back to the doll. "Awake!" She yelled again, bouncing up with more emphasis. After nothing happened again, her eyebrows knitted together and she set the candle down.

"Awake!" She shouted. "Awake!" Again, nothing. As she yelled it again, she started hitting the head of the doll over and over. "Tiff," I grabbed her arm to stop her from doing it again, and she pouted, grabbing the book from the floor and tossing it over her shoulder.

"We'll try again later," I told her, and stood from where I sat behind the circle, my knees cracking a little.

I walked over to one of the tables and turned on the radio, and immediately, Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie came booming through the speakers.

A small putter came from behind me and I looked down to see the pentagram had been smeared and there was no doll. I looked to Tiffany, who's hands were clasped around her mouth.

Standing in front of us was the doll..well, Chucky, live in the flesh.

"So what, are ya into girls now?"


I couldn't tell you how much I love bride of chucky- like Tiff is EVERYTHING to me- also I feel like this is like inspired by Willow and Tara's relationship from Buffy- but like I hope you enjoyed this and if you've requested anything from like September to now, I promise I've been getting to writing those..have a great day/night <3

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