・˚:⋆* Jason Voorhees・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

I sat down on the edge of the dock, letting my legs sway in the waters current.

"You should try getting in the water!" My sister shouted from a few feet away, but I shook my head. "I don't think so."

Despite being aged 17, I never got around to learning how to swim. I didn't even want to be here for that exact reason, but my sister insisted I go with her and her friends.

"Come on, Y/n, get in." I turned my head to see Derek standing above me, looking down. I shook my head, hoping he'd get the point, but he continued to tell me to get in. "Derek, I said no-"

Before I could finish, a hand pushed forward on my back. I fell forward into the water, and I could already sense the feeling of being trapped. I started flailing around my arms and kicking my legs, but neither of those seemed to help me.

Water began seeping down my throat as my head bobbed up and down, gasping for air. The extra weight of my clothes becoming wet pulled me down even further then I should've been, my head now underwater.

By then, I couldn't move. I could barely keep my eyes open. Hands were reaching down in the water in attempt to grab onto me, but failed, as I continued to sink deeper.

After a few seconds, I could hear something below me, but couldn't bring myself to look. It latched itself onto me, holding me with a forced grip.

I opened my eyes, only to let out the last few kicks I had in me. A man was holding on to me, except he was wearing a worn out hockey mask, and a part of a chain was tied around his neck. His eyes looked at me through the holes of the mask, they were a pretty hazel.

I remembered the stories that were told to me before coming here for the first time, about Pamela and Jason Voorhees. She killed to avenge Jason's death, and he killed to avenge hers.

"Jason," I breathed out, before my eyes shut completely.

~Time Skip~

I started coughing up the water that had entered my lungs, opening my eyes. I was laid down on the grass, a few feet away from the start of the lake.

I heard a scream come from the woods behind me, making me jump to my feet. "Jason?!" I shouted, stumbling into the beginning of the woods, holding on to a tree for support.

When I looked ahead of me, I saw Derek's body had been impaled by an arrow, keeping him mounted on the side of a tree.

I put a hand over my mouth, to keep from making any noise. If he wanted me dead, I would be, I thought, before calling out his name for a second time.

Another scream came from ahead of me before I could move, but it was soon cut off by what I knew by now was Jason.

I took a few deep breaths before continuing my walk into the depths of the woods. After about a minute of walking, I stopped next to Derek's body, but didn't stop there. When I started again, I heard the rustling of leaves nearing my direction.

I stopped once more and stood there, waiting to once again meet face to face with the man who saved me from drowning.

~Small Time Skip~

It was a few minutes before Jason made his way towards me. He was stopped in front of me, breathing heavily, with an old machete dripping blood in one of his hands.

"Thank you." Thank you was all I could think of to say.

As a response, he lifted up his mask, probably expecting me to go running. "Thank you," I repeated, ignoring what most people might not, because it didn't matter. He moved the mask back down before moving away from me, continuing his walk back to the lake.


This is reallyyy bad but I'm trying to update weekly so here you go..even if it's shit. I tried tho soo. Also with the whole lifting up the mask thing, I was watching part 8 and that's what he did even tho it's unlikely of him..anyways, I hope you have a great day/night, bye <3

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