・˚:⋆*Michael Myers・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

I walked down the sidewalk, the leaves crunching under my every step. October had rolled around what seemed like only a few days ago, but it was now Halloween. There'd already been kids walking around, costumed and ready to start their hunt for candy.

"Hey, Y/n!" I stopped walking and turned around to see an excited Laurie waving her hand. Lynda, who was next to her, rolled her eyes. She whispered something to Laurie before walking off. As she did, Laurie ran up to me, nearly dropping the books she'd been clinging on to.

"Hi, Laurie," I smiled as we both continued walking. "You wouldn't be doing anything tonight, would you?" She asked. "Of course not, you're babysitting Tommy, right?" "Right." "You want me to come, don't you?" I laughed. "We're not doing much, just carving pumpkins and what not." Before I could say anything else, she said more. "Has anything felt weird to you today?" She looked around uneasily, before back at me.

"You go to the Myers house once and you're already getting paranoid?" I joked, but her look told me she was really concerned with it. "Just a little..what's up?" "I feel like someone's been watching me." As she said that, I looked around the street quickly, just as a car passed by with a small logo on the side. The driver wore a white mask with scruffy hair on top and what I thought to be a blue shirt, almost looking zombie-like. He was probably just trying to scare some kids.

"Should I come over after I drop off my things?" "Yeah, thank you, Y/n." I smiled, before Laurie walked off to her house.

~Time Skip~

Right as I was about to leave my room, the phone started ringing. I picked it up almost immediately, only to tear Laurie speaking fast. "Y/n, I just saw him outside." "Who?" "Who I think is watching me. Can you get over here, quick?" "Yeah, I was just about to leave. I'll be there in a few." "Thank you."

I hung up the phone, now hurrying out of my room. I left the house with no bother and started my walk down the street, where Laurie lived, which was awfully close for us being friends. I watched the street, though, looking for anyone who might seem suspicious.

And Laurie, I knew, wasn't just paranoid or seeing things. She's a grade-A student, too smart and perfectly minded for anything like that.

As I broke the halfway point, that same car from earlier drove past me slowly, the masked man was looking through the window in my direction. I started walking a little faster, seeing the guy had passed by me and Laurie not even twenty minutes ago, and then came from her street again.

When I got to her house, she was already waiting for me outside. "What was he wearing?" I asked Laurie as I walked up to the porch.

"A blue jumper and a white mask, I don't know. Why?" She looked frightened at me asking. "He just drove by." "Oh, god," she shook her head. I looked back behind me to be sure he wasn't there, just in case, before pulling Laurie into a hug in hopes of calming her down.


You guys reallyyyy should request things. But like..here you go, I guess, man..hope you have a great day/night, bye

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